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Crunchy first and second gears

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I can't seem to get a smooth first/second gear at all in my car. I've tried numerous adjustments at the cable end + at the gearstick, but still no joy. They are both crunchy and can't be quick. The car has new mounts all round, had new gb oil when the box was fitted after being rebuilt last summer with a 3.68 final drive. It also had a new selector fork and genuine release bearing.


I'm wondering whether it's the selector tower itself or maybe a clutch release problem. The clutch does make a strange noise when you depress the pedal- almost sounds like it's sticking for a split second before releasing. Slave cylinder? The gears are smooth as anything with the engine off, but as soon as it starts up it gets crunchy. 3rd, 4th, 5th and reverse are fine.


I'm more than a little fed up with it! Just want a smooth change. I've got one of Dave's shortshifters waiting to go on + a VT gearbox mount. Maybe these will help. Any ideas?

Edited by CazzaVR

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If it was a clutch problem i would expect other gears to be affected,especially reverse. :(

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