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Is there any "lock" holding the harnesses that goes into the back off the relay/fuse

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Anyone know if there is some sort of "lock" to hold the harness connectors in place on back of the relay/fuse box ?


Other then the one on the harness itselfe ?.




Or are they just very hard to "wiggle" out ?

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there is a locking bar halfway down the fuse box in between the 2 rows of connectors that you need to slide across and then they should come out

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There is a plastic bar that you need to pull out slightly on the right side of the fuse board which holds the connecters in place.

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haha this took me quite awhile to figure out when i was doing my conversion , i was like "fk these plugs are tight!!" then i had a closer look and seen the locking tab/bar :)

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