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Not for the roads after all

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Well that clears that up. Quote from the end of an article about someone boasting about knocking a cyclist off his bike.


"A spokesman for Norfolk police said: "Further to recent social media postings on a road traffic collision involving a cyclist on Sunday 19 May in the Norwich area, Norfolk Constabulary can confirm that we have had initial contact with both parties involved and enquiries continue." Road tax does not actually exist in the UK and roads are funded from general taxation.

It is commonly confused with Vehicle Excise Duty, which is a car tax paid on vehicles as a levy on emissions."

Full article here http://uk.news.yahoo.com/drivers-twitter-boast-hitting-cyclist-115031323.html#OLk0BUu

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Surely you knew that wullie or were just posting to make others aware.

I work in the cycle trade and done so since 1992 and obviously ride an awful lot & this case has gone extemely viral on all cycling forums.

I'm pretty certain a good example will be made of this utterly thick stupid girl or there will be uproar :-)

Edited by KIPVW

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On that link, too, the death of Ray Manzarak of the Doors - vital guy and group to me/my generation/pals/family - was interesting, too.


If you haven't heard them, (surely you must have?) try, Riders on the Storm and LA Woman. Top tracks of the age.

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Yeah, I knew it Kip, just thought it would clarify things. Find it slightly amusing how it has changed over the years to be totally unrelated to it's original concept.


Craigowl. Doors were great. Reminds of a mate who was the last survivor of a folk duo when he told us he had terminal cancer. Someone asked him what he was going to do, a bit inappropriate I thought, and he replied the he and Archie were reforming in the afterlife and we were all invited.

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Sickening. Hopefully there's a very harsh sentence waiting for her, especially as the wording of her tweet shows it to be premeditated and shows no remorse.


A close friend of mine was crushed to death cycling in London. A totally avoidable waste of life.

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Yeah, I knew it Kip, just thought it would clarify things. Find it slightly amusing how it has changed over the years to be totally unrelated to it's original concept.


Craigowl. Doors were great. Reminds of a mate who was the last survivor of a folk duo when he told us he had terminal cancer. Someone asked him what he was going to do, a bit inappropriate I thought, and he replied the he and Archie were reforming in the afterlife and we were all invited.


Some party, that will be, Wullie! Ouch - ma heid!


---------- Post added at 12:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 PM ----------


Sickening. Hopefully there's a very harsh sentence waiting for her, especially as the wording of her tweet shows it to be premeditated and shows no remorse.


A close friend of mine was crushed to death cycling in London. A totally avoidable waste of life.


My pals and I cycled for years - mostly to get to school, over to friends, leisure, etc.

The times I did it recently, I hated it. I fear for cyclists when I see them. The best era is long gone.

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i got knocked off a bike two years ago, classic commando roll across the lady's bonnet (she pulled out without looking properly) ripped jacket and bruises so i was lucky, her bonnet was fine!


so as a cyclist who drives daily I do mutter at some cyclists attitudes, and particularly those who meander all over the road, wear earphones (i mean c'mon), roll through red lights or hop on/ off pavements to avoid lights etc.

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Yep there are, of course a minority that giv.e the rest a bad name but I always abide by the rules and respect others as I'd like to be respected myself.


It's a simple attitude really but sadly not everyone else out there thinks that way.

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Earphones - I always think people on bikes using them must have no brain. When on a bike, or even crossing the street, these things are depriving you of one of your most important senses for survival in your environment.

Some deluded fanatics with machetes may even be after your head, now! What ****s!

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I think her honesty levels much surely have wrecked her chances of a profession in Accountancy - Surely ? !! Well I hope so !

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