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EXPERT shifter cable aj advise please

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ok my gears seem to need some ajusting....ive read up on it and it seems i can ajust at the gearbox end AND by slakening the 13mm bolt at the gearstick


my question is which do i ajust first?? its all been apart so nothing is as it left the factory

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I dont think im an expert on this at all. but I would make sure your gear stick is lined up first before going under the bonnet to adjust the linkage.


I tried to do all this with mine, I think I made the gearstick worse but the transistion from gears seems easier after I moved around the linkage some. Still notchy as all heck though, going to try some redline stuff see if that helps.


Oh ya, I also have a shortshifter which I heard doesn't help =P

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mike....ive had a go at all of it!!....ive made things better ,almost there but i need to know where to start


from what ive read about lining up the gearstick end...i should make it slip straigh into 3rd...but what if the cables are wrong


im running a short shifter too


redline mt90 made things nicer

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Does the lever not move between neutral/3rd easily then?


If no. then it is possible to reach the state described on the US Corrado site by just adjusting the cable closest to the engine.



If this is still not possible, put the cable at the middle of it's adjustment and try slackening off the 13mm bolts on the shifter itself to get the desired effect.


Having achieved this, additional adjustment of the cable on the gearbox should get the change as good as it will get.


BTW, does anyone else wonder what the guy on the US site was doing in his C to move the lever out of alignment? They are pretty firmly bolted in position...

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