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Ignition trouble

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Hi everybody I'm having some ignition trouble, what happens is when I go to start the car all the red lights come on as normal but when I turn the key nothing at all happens with the engine. I've just had to bump it to get me home from work and once started its fine. Apparently there is something behind the barrel which will be the culprit but I just don't know what it is or called or where I can get one from lol :/ If anybody could give me some pointers that would be great :)

Thanks Tom

Edited by tom_rob_89

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Ignition switch, sometimes if the ignition switch is the culprit if you give the key a wiggle in the barrel it might start

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Thank you all for your replies I'm gonna try and get one tomorrow and get it on because I can't be bumping it every time I need to start it haha, until then I'm not looking forward to doing it at 6 tomorrow morning before I go to work but will definatly be giving the key wiggling a go before I push lol. Also thanks for the pics.

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I had the exact same thing a couple of weeks ago, was ignition switch as jon_vr6 said. Easy and cheap to replace just a bit fiddly

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Well just got in it and the old wiggle trick worked lol


Haha deffo the ignition switch then

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I fixed it! thanks jon_vr6 for the link you posed, came in very helpful lol. Just mine hasn't got the bolts to loosen off to give you more room to work with so had to bend a screwdriver and was very fiddly but got there in the end haha,


Cheers fellers, Tom

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If you need to work around a broken switch, just disconnect the switch at the rear connector. Then crimp 4 spade terminals onto 4 wires and crimp all four wires into a single spade connector at the other end.


Plug the four-ended spade into the middle row, middle pin, and plug the other four wires into the other four contacts. Can't remember off the top of my head which one is the starter, but plug the other 3 in first and then tap the starter pin to start it.


No good for stealing Corrados with (as you still need the correct key inserted to turn off the immobiliser and unlock the steering lock!) but great for when your switch dies :)



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