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Hi ya, Just bought my first corrado,got in it this morning to find no hot air is blowing out. The fan works fine, cold air blowing fine but no hot! Please can somebody help??




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Hve you got the early (mk2 slidy) controls or the later round ones, If there slidy and feel loose then you will have snapped the cable conecting the control to the flap it opens but if they are the later ones then you may have to rebuild the control unit or get a new one from a passat - have a search one here for heater controls from more info and guides to repair.

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No hot air from anywhere?? Hmmm... its still most likely the flap is jammed - can you here it going from side to side?


Also check your coolant level and for wet carpets - signs of heater matrix failure....

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Depends what you mean by working fine, i'd bet a pound to penny Supercharged, is right, and a cable is snapped. If cable broken the sliders will still slide fine. When you slide the controls over their full range can you hear a sound like something moving deeper behind the dash, and does it feel like there are points of resistance when you slide the controls? That's how it should be, if not and the sliders slide veeeeery easily, and are a bit floppy then 9 times out of 10 it's a cable gone. I'm assuming of course your engine water temp. is coming up normally during engine operation, so your thermostats OK?

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BTW - if the heater matrix is the newer type, it'll fail to "blocked" - i.e. cold. So if the heater matrix has gone, you'll get no hot air (and no wet feet either).

Get under the bonnet and make sure that both pipes "to" and "from" the heater matrix are hot.

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If you look just to the right hand side of the engine near the back and follow the pipes from the expansion tank, one of the pipes goes through some kind of metal 'thing'. Sorry to be a bit vague but this is what needs replacing. Its only about £15 - £20 and just fits in line with the hose so easy to replace. This was the problem on mine. Do you get a little bit of warm air as the engine is warming up and then it suddenly goes cold? Anyone know what this part is called? :roll:

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