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VR6 Lee

Handbrake cable issue -

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Just upgrading my old rado brakes, rear to mk 4 ones and just wondering how the hell do you get the cable out of the metal bit so I can feed cable into new mk4 one



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If you've removed the retaining clip which it looks like you have in your photo,

then it should really just pull out but they can some times be a swine to do so.


You've got to work in to it lots and lots of WD40 and it will come out after some elbow grease so to speak.



Hope you get it all sorted mate.



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Hello mate,


you need to pull out the thick part of the cable (the outer casing)

it has a metal tapered stop which fits in to the cable retaining arm,

but only once when you've unhooked the inner cable out of the handbrake lever arm.


In your photo the outer casing of the cable is still attached to the retaining arm,

you just need to pull the retaining arm of,

if you can't do this then you may have to reattach the retaining arm back on the caliper so you've got better leverage.


Please see photo's attached [ATTACH]74830[/ATTACH][ATTACH]74831[/ATTACH]




Hope this helps.


Si :thumbleft:

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By the sounds of it mate it must be seized in the retaining arm if you've tried big time to remove it.


Please have a look at this video it's of a Audi A4 / VW Passat having handbrake cables removed,

look at 3 mins & 40 seconds (3:40) and you will see him remove the retaining clip,

and then he just pulls the large outer casing down out of the retaining arm,

that's all you need to do to get yours out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25e19UFrEts


But like I say yours by the sound of it is seized in the retaining arm,

you can put some heat on it but be careful if you've been using lubricating fluid (WD40) on it as it could catch fire,

plus you could melt the inner nylon lining in side the cable casing, which would then need the cable to be replaced.

The inner steel cable runs through this nylon lining.


How different are the cable retaining arms as you're going to be fitting the MK4 Golf calipers aren't you ?

So if the Corrado arm is seized to your handbrake cable you could just cut through the retaining arm but only if it's the same kind of style.


Other then that if it still won't come off you might as well just buy a new handbrake cable ?

They are quite cheap to purchase.




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I had it when replacing the cable but it was stuck to the tubing that goes internally to the tunnel. I ended up cutting it as near to the hole as I could, then had to drill it out. Its an absolute bugger to do, but it worked! As long as you don't damage that bracket too much, it'll hold fine as the shroud will stop at the hole, and be held in by the retaining clip.

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For the price of cables, I'd replace those. They don't look the best from the picture!


That said, either bolt the arm back on, or onto something rigid, (or grip it in a vice) then grip the (round) end of the cable (TIGHTLY!) in a mole wrench and give it a sharp tap (as though unscrewing it) or 2 with a mallet.


I've never failed to remove a handbrake cable by that technique.

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