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**Updated List, Prices & New stuff added on P10** 94 Moonlight Blue VR6 Breaking

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  Simon vr6 said:
Hi do you have the radiator fan control unit. Located next to wind screen washer tank. Part number 357 919 506 B


Thanks Simon


Hi Simon,


Sorry mate, I don't.



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Updated with a few bits and revised (lowered!) prices


I am definitely open to offers folks, I need to get this lot out of the way to be honest



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  DiamondTony said:
Hi mate, what about electric windows mate? You got the full setup? Needs mechs/motors, switches, fuse, control unit and loom... Cheers


Hi Tony,


Sorry I haven't - About the only bits of the system I have left are the mech/window etc from Pass. Side (although they are still all in the door itself) the switches, and I possibly have the control unit - When I say possibly, I have the 'box' that sits behind the drivers side rear door card - I think this is the control unit for the spoiler according to the part number on ETKA, but lots of people refer to it as being to control the electric windows? Either way I certainly don't have the whole system



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No worries mate, I want to try get the whole set up from one car. You still have door seals? I know it's a long shot!! (the exterior ones with the triangle bit on them) Cheers

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Oh as well mate I need the passenger side front bumper wing mount (the one with 2 circular discs on it that attaches the bumper to the wing). Thanks buddy

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  fla said:
Rear vw badge still available?


Hi Fla - It is being held under deposit for someone at the minute who is having a few bits from me - I can give you a shout if it doesn't go?


  essex dan said:
hi. do you still have a handbrake available atall?


Sorry dude - Handbrake lever was fractured by the ractchet, so it was binned


  DiamondTony said:
No worries mate, I want to try get the whole set up from one car. You still have door seals? I know it's a long shot!! (the exterior ones with the triangle bit on them) Cheers


  DiamondTony said:
Oh as well mate I need the passenger side front bumper wing mount (the one with 2 circular discs on it that attaches the bumper to the wing). Thanks buddy


Tony - since the handbrake tunnel cover, we are not doing well with me having the bits you want! Haven't got either of those bits left either! Sorry mate





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Tony - since the handbrake tunnel cover, we are not doing well with me having the bits you want! Haven't got either of those bits left either! Sorry mate






LOL No mate!! Never mind - I'm into specialist territory now haha! BTW received the tunnel cover other day, thanks :)

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  dan95x said:
Hi Fla - It is being held under deposit for someone at the minute who is having a few bits from me - I can give you a shout if it doesn't go?





Yes, that'll be fine.

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  dan95x said:
Hi Fla - It is being held under deposit for someone at the minute who is having a few bits from me - I can give you a shout if it doesn't go?





Yes, that'll be fine.

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  emmib said:
hi dan have you got the windscreen by any chance? if so how much please?

kind regards



Sorry Em, I haven't got the windscreen



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Bump - Back up to the top. Haven't been on for a little while folks, as life has been getting in the way somewhat recently.


Open to offers on any of this lot, as could do with getting some space cleared

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  DiamondTony said:
Hi Dan, you don't happen to have the securing clips from the front splitter do you?? The ones which fix it to the bumper?? Ta


Hi Tony, yet again I disappoint you! It went with the bumper/splitter I am afraid



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Hi mate,


Interested in the "Late Passenger Side Electric Window Switch - All working & good condition - £10". Does it have both the metal clips on the back that hold it in place intact?


Cheers, J

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  jscVR6 said:
Hi mate,


Interested in the "Late Passenger Side Electric Window Switch - All working & good condition - £10". Does it have both the metal clips on the back that hold it in place intact?


Cheers, J


Hi J,


I am 99.9% sure that they are there, as I remember it as being pretty much perfect when it came out, but let me check at the weekend and I will get back to you



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