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rattle from the boot!

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anyone else get an annoying rattle from the boot area? plasticky sound, a bit creaky, seems to come from the parcel shelf. I have had this on both corrados i've owned and have never been able to successfully source its origin. Surely they all do this I can't have been unlucky twice!



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Welcome to the squeaky club, I have the same as a lot of us on here . The usual suspects are , tailgate, these are designed to move with the car for flexibility so they can creak . Parcel shelf, try a bit of vasalene on the straps . The speaker pod bolts may need a tweak. Also the plastic covers on the door cards are prone to squeaking , also check spare tyre is seated properly and tool kit . A small amount of double sided tape or foam under plastics works as well . Oh and have a look at rear boot plastics , the list is endless really .

Rob .

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I'm still trying to get to the bottom of my last couple of knocks and squeaks, but as above the tailgate area is notorious for squeaks and rattles. I'd get yourself some black sticky felt from Hobbycraft (comes in A4 sheets) and some cloth loom wrap (useful for insulation between plastics as well as wrapping looms) and put it anywhere where plastics might be rubbing. Try looking at:

Adjusting the boot catch height and adjusting rubber 'stops' under the bottom corners of the tailgate. Check tailgate alignment too.

Spoiler (is it loose/is there any play?)

Tailgate plastics - particularly the top corners where the side trims meet the top trim

Parcel shelf - are the foam bits on the tailgate plastic present which hold the shelf still there?

lube the parcel shelf straps, but make sure it's something that won't destroy the rubber

Are the tailgate struts secure?

Cloth wrap the wiring loom in the tailgate and also in behind the c-pillars (include the sunroof drains in this too). Don't forget the wiring to the rear speakers and the boot light.

Are the parcel shelf supports fully secured?

Make sure all clips on the c-pillar trims are present and that the fixers aren't broken

Check for rubbing/missing foam insulation between parcel shelf supports/c-pillar trims and rear door cards

Check rear door cards for rubbing on window 'ledge'

Make sure all rear door card clips are present

If you have leather, check the rear seats for rubbing against the plastics. Make sure rear hump is secure.

Check space saver and tools are secure

Is the foam above the headlining still present? Replace it if not

Check the back of the sunroof cassette is secure

Check rear strut top mounts are secure

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mine does this as well. I think the rattle on mine is the parcel shelf jumping because the foam bits on the tailgate fell off (didn't know where they came from at the time) and the squeaking is the rubber pins that it hinges on moving slightly when the shelf jumps.

haven't got around to sorting it yet though

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thanks for the replies guys, i'll work through the lists. i just thought it was strange that both i've had have made the same sound!

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I'm sure mine rattles and squeaks too but I can't hear it for all the rattles and squeaks from the dash. Another job added to the list!

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(some) dash rattles:

Badly fitted radio/loose cage

Loose wiring (cloth wrap the looms)

Broken/missing spring latches on controls/warning lights (e.g. ABS light, foglight switch, etc)

Broken tab on ashtray holder

Broken tab on ciggy lighter holder

Missing rubber block in steering wheel cowling

Loose/missing screws anywhere

Missing fusebox clips

Alarm wiring/boxes!

Glovebox trim (the bit that covers screws when you open the the glovebox

Glovebox rubbing against the dash (hobbycraft felt!!)

Glovebox door

All of the glovebox really

Broken clips on gear lever surround

Missing spring clips in dash vents

Loose change/stuff in cubby holes/glovebox

Badly secured spoiler module/factory immobiliser box

Broken screwholes on centre surround (you can usually get away with 1 or 2)

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Thanks Tony. I'll have to work down that list! Some are definitely ok, but I'm sure that the glovebox is a major culprit. That tends to creak a lot so will have to pay some attn to that I think.

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Hurrah. It was number 3 on Tony's list. It was the piece of trim above the rear window, wasn't on properly. I have now put double sided sticky foam along it and pushed it down properly into position. No more rattle, not even when the subs in the boot are at full chat.


Another little job that can be ticked off :-)

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  scarlet_vr6 said:
Thanks Tony. I'll have to work down that list! Some are definitely ok, but I'm sure that the glovebox is a major culprit. That tends to creak a lot so will have to pay some attn to that I think.


I have the same problem , no matter how much foam or Velcro strips I use it still squeaks , doesn't help that I don't have a head unit so no music to drown it out !

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