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Swapping NCB between policies?

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Insurance time again for both cars (corrado and a saxo). Struggling to get a decent price on the Saxo (I don't consider £500 for a 40yo decent). So I was wondering whether I might be able to switch the 14 years NCD I have on the rado to the Saxo, and switch the 5 years off the Saxo to the rado and try classicline for that. Does that sound like something you can do?


One problem I can see is that the insurance for both cars is due 2 days apart - so technically I won't have 5 years ncd on the Saxo until after I need to insure the rado - I could just not insure it for a couple of days - but don't know if that would cause problems with the requirement for continuous insurance. Does any break in insurance get you in trouble, no matter how short?


Anybody else switched NCB between cars?

And why do all (or most) of the 'specialist' insurers only open 9 til 6 (or earlier). How are you supposed to sort insurance out when you're at work. I hate insurance renewal time! :mad:

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Classicline don't use a NCB iirc, and you definitely can't gain additional NCB whilst on their policies mate. Dunno if it'd be an option tbh. I think you'll be alright with a couple of days break in insurance provided you don't leave yourself open to the law and its on private property.


I don't understand why a lot of insurance companies are only available until 12 on a Saturday either! Surely its the busiest day of the week for people buying cars! :shrug:

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I wasn't expecting classicline to accrue NCB, so I wasn't thinking of trying them at all, but from their website:


"However, that doesn’t mean you still don’t accrue NCB, you’ll gain a years bonus for each consecutive claim free year you’re with us. Should you have any existing bonus we can also keep this valid, and it will accrue in the same way."


So from that I was assuming I could NCB as usual - though i guess I couldn't protect it.


And yeah, I'd have thought the weekend would be the busiest period for buying / sellings cars - so why don't they open longer and Sundays too? So infuriating.

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I tried swapping NCB between cars once, but it only would have saved £200-300 on the premium for the car I wanted to swap it to, but the policy I wanted to remove it from were going to charge me £800+£50 admin fee for no longer having an NCB on it!


If you use the Saxo as the daily then I'd put the 14 years NCB on that next renewal and use a classic policy (not accruing NCB but not needing it either) for the rado.



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