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Audi Door Handles

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Just wondered if anyone has fitted Audi door handles?

If so, can you give me an idea of approximate cost and the parts/procedure involved.


Thought about the smoothed de-locked look, but I definately prefer the Audi handles. 8)



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Hi Mike, i'm having the audi handles fitted to my car in the next few weeks, you can get the kit from venom motorsport. All genuine audi parts. You need have remote central locking, the bars on the kit have to be bent to catch the striker in the door.


think the kit is £165

then bodyshop costs

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Wouldn't it be cheaper to get some genuine Audi doors with handles intact from a scrappy?..

Even if the door is damaged/glass missing etc, as long as the handle and mechanism could be cut out you would save a lot of money IMO.. :wink:

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i can fit audi handles if anyone wants them. i was quoted £800 to fit them and paint them so i think my £500 is very reasonable this is a very time consuming job and hard to get right, it would include fitting handles filling primeing and painting of the door and rear quarter panel and for a little extra i could paint the wing making the whole sides of the car look new, ive just finished mine today and will post some pics tomorrow and ill think you will agree it looks awesome


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