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Corrado stalks, drop off.........

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This has more than likely already been posted but I cant find anything soooo...... Is there quick fix for the main beam stalk dropping off when you click it ? E.g if you pull and hold it back the main beam is good but once you let go the main beam drops off a bit because of the stalk ......


Thanks in advance Scott

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I just noticed that fitting the uprated headlight loom stops this, its like driving around with it held it. Much brighter.

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Ok I must get this done, Any recommend loom there seem to be plenty but I would rather spend the money on a good one?


Thanks Scott

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No problem, i bought a loom about 5yrs ago and fitted it at the weekend, made a massive difference on full beam, but not so much on normal beam.

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  Alty said:
E.g if you pull and hold it back the main beam is good but once you let go the main beam drops off a bit

I believe that's because when you pull the stalk back, ALL the lights are on, but once you let go it switches over to just the spots - something like that anyway.

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I always wondered about this but never thought to make a thread about it.. and it happens exactly the same if you have your headlights on and then you squeeze the high beam switch but then don't let it go - the lights are MUCH brighter. As soon as you let it click back into position, the brightness drops significantly. So it's like it momentarily goes into some much higher power mode.


My car doesn't have a loom fitted - just original headlight wiring.

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Well I recently had my entire engine loom out apart re-rooted and re wrapped and this didn't help the headlights one bit so next step is the up rated loom just waiting on price back then I'll update after fitted! :D



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