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VR6 Samco kit received - advice pleez

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After about 9 weeks the kit has arrived (ordered from Revolution of Gateshead - pretty good guys to deal with).

7 hoses - I have only identified 5 from looking down on engine compartment.

What the heck are the 2 I can't see? - Daft question, I know, but if any of you have been there already you may know what I mean.


I believe that 2 hoses near the oil cooler are not supplied in the kit.

Are these 2 identical at about £7 each - my VW parts man thinks they are.

Also, are these 2 easy to fit without dismantling a lot of the engine/bay?

I have read the things the "search" threw up but am not clear on all I need to know.

Hopefully the hoses popping off applies to the G60 and not the VR6 - anyone know?


Thanks in anticipation O Knowledgeable Ones!

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The heat exchanger hoses split eventually. Don't think they are the same. Its a fiddly job but could probably be done if the rad was removed otherwise the front end has to come off.

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The 2 oil cooler hoses are not supplied, but they are available as an extra from Samco.


The other 2 spare hoses you have are for the Idle stabiliser valve, and the oil breather, both of which plumb into the air intake boot.

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Cool, I was wondering that as well


Hopefully the hoses popping off applies to the G60 and not the VR6 - anyone know?



If they kept popping off constantly I dont think they would sell so many, there everywhere.

I reckon they would only pop off if you dont use decent clips or possibly if the front engine mount is knackered the top rad hose could come off.

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My local garage and VW stealership have had my car and dont know where 2 of the hoses go.

PhatVR6 and others if you can help I would be grateful.

I enclose photo of engine bay and 2 hoses.

PhatVR6 - your directions in earlier post could not be implemented - my air ducting bits seem unable to accomodate hoses.

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the s shaped on is the oil breather pipe., which goes from the rocker cover tot he intke boot (where the top left end of the S shaped pipe is sat in the pic)


and the longer one is the ISV pipe, which is the black one directly in front of the silver heat shield thing aroud your wiring loom.

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PhatVR6 - thanks for reply.

I take it that neither of these pipes carry coolant then?


1 - The longer Samco one (ISV) does not have a sideshoot like the black one.

2 - S-shaped I will have to go out and look with your notes.



pablo - The kit was £247 incl delivery from Revolution og Gateshead. Waiting time was about 9 weeks.

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PhatVR6 -

I have been out and had a look under t'bonnet.

The s-shaped one carries coolant? The original is a much more complex piece of piping with a corrugated(?) plastic bit in it about an inch long?

I remember my son's car developed a pinhole coolant leak in that plastic bit. What purpose does it serve do you know?. The Samco replacement just does away with that telescopic bit.

Finally, if I do these hoses myself is there much chance of getting an airlock - or should I just let my local garageman have anuther go now that we know where the hoses are located.

Regards and thanks for your patience.

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niether of them carry coolant.


the oil breather one os a PCV (positive cranckcase vent) which ises the inlet air to draw pressure out of the engine. simply blank off the small black pipe where it tees off into the original hose.


as for the long one on the ISV, the "offtake" you mention os just a hole for the ISV damper to mount on. a lot of cars have this damper/silencer removed anyway as they have a tendency to explode.


you will not get an air lock. just run the car at fast idle with the expansion tank lid off for a few minutes and all the air will come out.

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they look nice.


and they have a higher bursting pressure than 10 year old rubber hoses will.

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Thanks for your very helpful notes - I have swapped one of the hoses (isv) and will do the other (small s-shaped pcv one) later, perhaps.

The samco hose does away with 3 fussy bits on original pcv hose tho'.

What is purpose of 1) t-piece connection you say to blank off

2) concertinad plasticky section about 2 cm long on original

and 3) shallow metal cylindrical drum bit on original at top.

Using samco hose does away with all 3 of these bits/functions - surely they are there for a purpose?


Storm - have you priced top hose from VWstealer - someone on this forum says it is over 100 quid to start with.

I like things like Silicon rubber coolant hoses and stainless steel braided hoses for the durability - Id rather have upgrades like that than something cosmetic or ICE because I am an old git.

Original hoses are 9-years old/97k miles and due for replacement anyway.


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Storm - have you priced top hose from VWstealer - someone on this forum says it is over 100 quid to start with.

I like things like Silicon rubber coolant hoses and stainless steel braided hoses for the durability - Id rather have upgrades like that than something cosmetic or ICE because I am an old git.

Original hoses are 9-years old/97k miles and due for replacement anyway.



Point taken. And in this little swap project of mine I want to go with Aeroquip's, following Oichans lead with the Black painted manifold cover. I would like like silver fittings so that It doesn't look bling though.

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all the small diameter hose is is the pipe from the carbon cannister intot he manifold, where the stale fuel fumes are pumped back into the manifold to be burned off.


not sure why it taps into the breathe rhose, early VR6's never had it like that, they never had the flame arrestor either.

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Just incase you miss this, there's also a small restrictor/check valve located in the hose between the heater core and the throttle body, you may have to cut the old hose to get it out.

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Thanks Phat VR6 and Andyvlw


No wonder Samco dont put any instructions in the box - what a minefield.

They and their distributors are quite happy to whip your £247 out of your account sharpish 2 months before you get the product, though.


My garage has missed the restrictor valve Andy - I have cut it out from old hose but the plastic is crumbly in places.

How important is this valve - whats it for? - can you leave it out?

Hands up all those who have not used it and have not noticed any probs.


Also, further comment on what PhatVR6 has called the flame arrester in the other pipe would be of interest.


As this is a popular upgrade (not now maybe!) a list of simple steps in replacing hoses with silicon rubber ones would be of great value to new kids.

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It was the small brass restrictor/valve I was on about, in the small hose that tee's off to the throttle body from the cylinder head to the heat exchanger. I only found out through the VWvortex forum. This link might help.



or else do a search on vwvortex.....samco...Archived content....corrado


hope this helps

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Dont see any brass/ball valve in originals - maybe its only on US spec cars?

Any way I wish I had never thought of using Samco on the VR6 now.

There were no apparent problems on my mk2 golf gti but I think only Nigerian supermechanics could patch the v expensive Samco stuff into my car and feel comfy!



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