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EU to limit bio-fuel content in fuel!!!

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Finally: Those highly-paid boffins in Brussels have realised that this whole bio-ethanol malarky is not good for the environment, mainly because they have now finally seen that too many agricultural fields otherwise used for food production have since the introduction of bio-ethanol (and its subsidies by the EU) abused for the production of bio-ethanol.


In other parts of the world this has even led to deforesting, which in itself has had a sever impact on the global ecology.


The EU is discussing limiting the overall content of bio-fuels in our fuels to 6.5%.


Just a reminder: This stuff is not good for our older engines, the ancillary rubber hoses, pipes, tanks (especially where metal and aluminium parts are involved), as researched and found by the Federation of British historic Vehicles, a no-nonsense organisation lobbying on behalf of classic and mainly historic car owners (those with potentially money ;) ) in central government.


Here is the full article, admittedly on German Spiegel, but there's simply more useful news abroad than on most British media (with the exception of the Guardian and its coverage of the NSA scandal):




Tempest (Eric)

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