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the car is running, but not very well...

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ok, well from my last post about the car flooding when trying to start, the shop has made a little progress.


now the car is starting without any issues, but when it starts, it really cant hold an idle. the guys at the shop were telling me that they have to keep on the gas a bit just to keep it running. (i missed out on the only car show i could show my car this year because of this) i think i figured out why, but i just wanted to get some more opinions on it from you guys (the online corrado pros)


ok, my guess is that it is the cams i am using. they are brand new 266's but the thing is, i dont think the shop did the break in procedure for the new cams when they finally worked past the flooding issue. does this sound like it could be the issue or am i just too much of a newbie to this sort of thing?


PLEASE give me any suggestions, i just want my freaking car back.


side note*

(what would you guys do to break in a new set of cams? what procedure would you use?)

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When I fitted a piper cam to my old 1.9 8v the run in proceedure was something like hold 1k for 10 mins, 2k for 10 mins and then 3k for 10 mins (whilst in neutral) then you are ready to rock and roll.......except I still had to run the rest of my new engine in for another 1,500k..... :( but after that :lol: .


Uless they have completely screwed up the cam timing I would doubt that not following the run in proceedure would cause the symptoms you describe. If the run in proceedure isn't followed you just knacker the cam lobes and tappets which means they won't last very long but shouldn't affect the short term running.


It sounds like they don't know what they are doing and so it maybe something as simple as them not having set the idle correctly or not connected a key sensor that the ECU uses to determie the idle.

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i was told by an SNS tuning guy that it should be one or more of these things:







i have never dealt with this before, this is all new stuff for me. i am sort of new into the car tuing thing.

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