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Continuing the planning process for the current show season, it's time to tackle Stonor Park.


This will take place on Sunday 1 June on the usual grounds of Stonor Park, entry is £10.


Gauging interest here first before I book the stand, because this year clubs have to pay for the stand. Before I lash out Corrado Club of Great Britain's club funds on the stand, I need to see whether we can sufficient interest to justify the expense, so 1-2 club members turning up won't be sufficient ;)


In the past I applied for 10-car stands.


This event is therefore a strictly-CCGB-members only event.


Who's up for this? I'll let this run till the AGM, because after that (if I can still remember then :lol:) I want to get the ball rolling to book and pay for the stand, should there be enough cars.



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Need somebody also to look after the stand / take responsibility, because I won't be attending Stonor this year (lost interest a wee bit), scouting out a new event and new venue that same weekend instead (Retro / VW Mania at Weston Park).



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Very likely to be going Eric. Happy to help with the stand if necessary though not likely to get there all that early. Live further away now.

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Dodgy 'miss vw' comp too :lol:


Haha - remember that girl who got her cans out? John Daniel nearly had a coronary, threw his hi-viz jacket over her and dragged her off the stage :lol:

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I'll be going again this year as it's the closest show to me and always has a great atmosphere, so please put me down for the club stand Eric.


Many thanks, J

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Eric - This event is not on the CCGB site, with your comments personally I think it needs to be. Just an idea !!

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Who's up for this? I'll let this run till the AGM, because after that (if I can still remember then ) I want to get the ball rolling to book and pay for the stand, should there be enough cars.


We have 5 so far, so yes, that warrants 1 stand, I suppose.



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Put me down for a club spot then I'll decide later whether I go for show & shine, cheers.

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Well if you get enough for a second stand then include me in the list please :)

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All attendees:


Please supply me with your full name, email address and vehicle details. I will pass on those details to the organiser who in turn will then email the passes to you.


This needs to be done by Monday, 19 May 2014.


Failing that and its £10 per adult entry at the gate plus a fiver to be included in the display!


Please have £5 in exact money on the day, when the organiser will come round to collect £5 per attending car. This is the total entry cost, so you're once again (like last year) getting entry at a discount price! No costs to the club either.


More notes from the organiser:

The E1K boys have asked if they can be placed near you and I might throw The Phirm in the mix as well. Basically weather permitting you'll be in the lower half of the concours arena where the Split Screen vans used to congregate...



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I'll PM my details. My car goes to The Phirm for servicing albeit as it's not been turbo'd it's better on the CCGB stand then theirs. Excuse my ignorance but what's an E1K?

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So far only 2 names on the CCGB events calendar! Could those wanting to put their Cs on the stand please head over to the events calendar and put your names down (the system counts cars, not people!), so I can start filling in the relevant forms for the discounted entry price.


Anyone not on said events calendar list will not get noticed by me when I start filling in the forms :)



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Any more takers? Get your names down on the CCGB events calendar. I use that list (almost) exclusively to sort out club stands, paperwork, passes, so if your name isn't on there ... ;)



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Just about to send vehicle details and email addresses for those that have their Corrado on the stand to the organisers. I assume email addresses as per CCGB website are current, because it's those I'm using :)


Please all have £5 in cash (exact amount) to hand over. Could you folks arrange it such that one person collects on the day, and then hands it over to the organiser, who will arrive on the stand usually sometime during the morning in a high-viz vest to collect the total amount?


I won't be attending scouting out another show instead.



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Eric, just chasing this as I've not got a pass emailed yet or will they send in the post?


Happy to collect the money on the day, in fact, I might take my Fire Warden high viz with me and just go round collecting from other clubs too :-)

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Yes, ticket should be emailed, gave them your email address (the gmail one methinks IIRC). Not sure whether anyone has received their tickets yet, though.


James Shillaw will make sure you cough up, mate ;)



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