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damaged galaxy s3 screen - best options?

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Forgot my phone was on the slam panel after some tinkering and closed the bonnet - how pathetic! Anyway the screen is wrecked (all black). What are the best options? My main concern is getting my kids' pictures out from there plus contacts. Would welcome some cost effective solutions. Thanks



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If you dropped your bonnet onto it I doubt you have just damaged the display.


You can try connecting it to your PC over USB...photo folder should be accessible.

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Photo folder would probably only be accessible once you turn on USB storage, which you need a screen to see.


Were your pictures on the phone or a removable sdcard? If the latter then just take it out and either plug into another ohobe or buy a car reader for the pc.


Does the phone ring when you call it? If it rings then it's probably just the screen which can be replaced either by a repairer or yourself. I fixed my Samsung Note charging port recently and had to take it apart to get to it. I imagine the screen would be fairly simple to buy from amazon or ebay and then follow instructions on youtube.

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thanks for the comments. Yes it rings and can be used 'normally' so I have ordered a new screen from Amazon. £100, which could have been spent on car parts instead :(

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