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Bonnet stuck open

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Replaced my flat battery earlier. Had a drive around to attempt an ECU reset (didn't seem to work, but never mind...!) and all was fine. Popped the bonnet to check everything was still secure (it was) and now every time I shut it it just bounces back open again :scratch:


This is very annoying!


Had my slam panel replaced recently - I know my bonnet release cable is slightly stretched as the body shop guy complained about it, it only opened on the very last inch of cable travel. Had it jammed shut in the past so don't much care to do anything permanent in case I can't get it open again...but, any ideas? I've seen a few people have replaced the lock mechanisms before - would it be worth swapping over the catches from my old slam panel?





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Sounds stupid and is probably the first thing you checked but has the release handle returned to the close position? Mine needs to be manually pushed back in.

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This^^^^^ and the bonnet pin's with spring's that attach to slam panel when closed are a bugger they take a bit of fine tuning you need two large spanner's can't remember size but big

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Tried that earlier. Pulling and pushing it back a couple of times, if I slam it bow the drivers's side locks but not the passenger side...guessing it's an adjustment thing. New bonnet cable then?

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its probably easiest to take the slam panel off to do this - if you look down the latch attachment holes you'll see the two arms that lock into the bonnet springs. These often get rusted into position and don't move at all. Clean them up and grease. Also, the cable 'might' be too tight so you'll need to loosen the trumpet at the end and let the cable slacken a few mm. Takes a fair bit of trial and error especially when you're opening an closing the bonnet each time!

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Sounds to me like the cable is adjusted slightly too tight as this would leave the passenger side catch shy! With the bonnet open look into the holes where the locking mechanisms are and check the passenger side lever is the same distance out as the drivers side.

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Check the slam panel for smart phones. Heard this happen before :lol:


Best thing i did to the bonnet cable was take it all off and fit it again, i'm not sure if some previous owner had fitted mine but it seemed to be wrong in my mind. Fit it all then hold the end of cable with pliers so you can pull it tight then tighten up the little trumpet.

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Check the slam panel for smart phones. Heard this happen before :lol:



I think Jim was reading MY mind :lol:

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