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Jim Bowen

Testing for Power drain etc?

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I have a dashcam in the corrado and it records when parked if something triggers it, it came with a low battery detector so that when the car battery drops to a certain voltage the cam switches off.


never used to switch off, but for quite some time now it reboots when i start the car, as if the low battery detector has kicked in. Measuring the battery on car it does drop to 11.8v, which is what the detector is set to. But that is without the camera doing anything.


Never really bothered me, but it does mean the parking mode is not recording anything.


What could be causing my battery drain and how do i test for it, i've also had this idling issue for a month or so and starting to wonder if they might be related. Have got a new battery and alternator, did wonder if the new battery might be faulty.

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take the -ve terminal off the battery and connect an ammeter in series to it. Alternatively, take an earth cable off the body and connect an ammeter between it and the body. This will tell you what current is being drawn 'at rest'. Then start pulling fuses until this drops to a minimal value like 0.1A. You'll then know which one it is. It may also be an unfused circuit like the heated washer jets (like i had) causing the drain, so if the fuse pulling doesn't reveal anything then move on to the relays and connectors. Takes time and ideally you need someone else to read the meter for you.

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