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Rear Beam

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Greeting all,


The Saga of getting my VR6 back on the road continues.l


Having found the trim parts that were needed it now transpires that the dastardly Navarro who crunched poor Dierdre also managed to bend the rear beam.


Have spent much time searching the parts section, ebay etc and so far nothing, does any body know of one lying arond, indeed have one in stock?


Cheers all, any and all help appreciated.



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Might be worth doing a little googling but I think the rear beams are the same as 5 stud mk3 golfs. I know that Corrado's have an element of passive rear steer but as far as I'm aware its the bushes that do that.

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Yeah saw that Mk3 may be the same, should fit etc but they are not exactly the same it would seem.


Happy to be told otherwise tho!

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I have a Mk4 that I will be breaking soon. The bushes are shot but I have new ones to go in when removed. I have no idea if it's a straight swap but if you research and it fits then I can have it off fairly soon.

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Cheers for that chap, thankfully I have sourced a sensible Mk3 beam that is being deployed, so fingers crossed I will have the old girl back on Friday!

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