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Door problems!

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First of all i hate corrado doors.........!!!!!!


Anyway to my issue I've just repaired my passenger side door handle and naturally i go to the drivers side door and it's not opening full stop! I've managed to get the door card off and everything that i can see looks ok so i'm going to go with the actual door locking mechanism. been jabbing it with a screw driver for about an hour and nothing anyone got any tips or idea for at least getting the door open?


Thanks Scott

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Absolute pain in the arsch when this happens. It can be caused by the striker on the external door handle getting caught in the central locking cable - when you pull on the door handle does it stick in the pulled-out position and then suddenly snap back into place when you wiggle the handle? Try repeatedly locking and unlocking the door from the outside while pulling/pushing on the external handle - I've always found a spot where it will suddenly click free and unlatch, first halfway then all the way. Worth disconnecting the battery while you do this so you don't knacker the central locking!


Once you've got the door open, under no circumstances close it again without removing and refitting the door handle, and once it's back on make damn sure it is releasing correctly (by manually rotating the latch into both closed positions and then ensuring it can be released with the handle). The handle design is appalling, it's very sensitive to being exactly lined up right so it's easy to get it attached but not working correctly.


Good luck!



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