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Do I have a problem - OCDness inside...

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Something that has been on my mind for a while now - ever since I built my rims I noticed that the valves are in different places on each rim. All my friends, even the car nuts, have said don't be ridiculous and I had pretty much put it to the back of my mind and almost forgotten about it, but after doing some work on the brakes over the last few weeks it's come back and I feel like I have no option but to split them again and put them all in a uniform spot. Anybody get like this or do I actually have a serious personality disorder? :lol:

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Yes you do have a problem . It's good you can admit it though . I will send you a pm , with the details of a monthly meeting , a lot of us attend . You get given a name tag and a chance to stand in front of the group and admit your OCD ness .

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how did you manage to build them unmatching in the first place?! I feel a bit sick inside just knowing about this, i get upset when centre caps don't line up. :lol: Let me know when they're sorted please!

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how did you manage to build them unmatching in the first place?! I feel a bit sick inside just knowing about this, i get upset when centre caps don't line up. :lol: Let me know when they're sorted please!


Impatience! Long story but basically the clueless bellend that said it would take 3-5 days to refurb my wheels took 3 weeks then returned them to me absolutely f***ed! So I ended up having to send the dishes to Mike The Polisher then wait til they were returned before dropping the whole lot to TWS in Fareham to have them done properly. So all in it took about six weeks to get them back and ready to build. The day I had put aside to build them I ended up looking after the kids and when my daughter went down for her sleep I quickly banged them all together, sealed them up and that's when I noticed but convinced myself I could live with them like it and decided to just leave them as is.


But I can't :(

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Yes you do have a problem . It's good you can admit it though . I will send you a pm , with the details of a monthly meeting , a lot of us attend . You get given a name tag and a chance to stand in front of the group and admit your OCD ness .


can i have a PM too pls robrado!? ;) lol


i would have to make them match as well Jamie


PS dont be hard on yourself for liking things how they should be :D

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