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My quest is complete

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Tonight i finally got a really good condition front VR6 badge. I have been hunting a good reasonably priced badge since i got my VR, 2 years ago.

I got it off P3rks,(Rich)on the forum and would like to add is a very nice guy. Thanks again Rich. :thumbleft: He is currently breaking a VR.

I paid £30 for it, and it's in really good condition. The badge it's self has a story, it originally came from Paul, KIP on the CCGB, bought 4 years ago. Whom i know and he only lives 2 miles from my address.

As the old saying goes it's a small world that we all live in. :cool:

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Are they that rare?! I've got one sat on my shelf in my garage. I'll have to keep it safe from now on

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Good you got one Ray make sure you attach it well :thumbleft:


Are they that rare?! I've got one sat on my shelf in my garage. I'll have to keep it safe from now on


It's not that they are rare it's the bloody amount of money they go for.


Yep it's on the car Clumpy. wrapped barbed wire round it .:snipersmile:

Edited by Ray1965

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