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Hi from Corrado-producing-country "Germany"

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My name is Andreas Ruthardt. I am from Germany (living near Frankfurt).

I am driving instructor.

In 1995 I turned 18. And the Corrado was always my dreamcar. When I was 18 I could not afford one.

Now, after driving one of 10 Corrados in Australia (my best friend´s VR6) I want to get one.

It should be a special one. Guess what: storm...

I already contacted DVLA and got information what is allowed and what is not and what I have to do to make an export (driving home) legally.

I am looking forward to get in touch with some great people driving great cars...



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Hi Andreas. Welcome to the forum and that's great that you're going to live your dream now! :cool:


Keep us updated - with pics too ;)




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If its of any use I can put you in touch with a German friend who has gone through the process of importing a UK car, getting it through the TUV test and so forth. Let me know of that would be of any help.


Welcome to the forum though :)

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Welcome aboard Andreas,

Check the vr over carefully and look out for any common problems.

Best of luck mate!

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I have the following information for you Glassmen99 :)


He will need the V5, the contract of sale and a spec sheet of this very Corrado which he can get from VW for roundabout 30 Euro, then has to do a full inspection by the TÜV authorities and if he passes it they give him the needed paperwork to present an application at the german DVLA (Zulassunsgstelle) for the german V5 (Fahrzeugbrief).


If the car is all original and in good technical condition there is no problem, the more parts are changed (exhaust, brakes, springs and coilovers etc.) the more paperwork he'll need for the TÜV inspection (german ABE or EG certificates for the parts).


If you have any other questions, PM me and I will give you my friends email address - he's happy to answer other questions you may have.

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