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What is going on with my radiator fan??

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This is driving me mad! I've had issues with cooling recently to which I thought I'd solved by buying all new bits (another thread). I went to put my car up the drive (literally) 2 seconds and when I turned engine off the fan kicked in? Switch ignition on it goes off and so on?? What the hell is going on? It's really ****ing me off now because it's one thing after another! Today I found that the previous owner had bodged the plastic water flange from top rad hose to head. WHY?? It's only £2 to buy one!! And caused me so much grief to sort as it went while at work and had no other means of getting my tools and part etc etc. so to whoever did the bodge your an arse and don't deserve a DUB! End of rant,lol. So if someone can point out what is going on with the fan then I'd be most grateful.


To add, I've replaced radiator,water pump,thermostat and 87 degree radiator fan switch. Could this be the relay under the expansion bottle? Also the fan kicks in when at temp so that's all good. I'm worried it's going to kill my battery! Also it's a 92 2.0 16v



Edited by Peacedub

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I think you may have a bad fan run on switch, to stop heat build up in the fuel lines the fan will run with the ignition off if the under bonnet temp is high enough, not sure where it is on your engine but this is separate to the radiator temp switch usually

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  davidwort said:
I think you may have a bad fan run on switch, to stop heat build up in the fuel lines the fan will run with the ignition off if the under bonnet temp is high enough, not sure where it is on your engine but this is separate to the radiator temp switch usually


I'm thinking it's the fan control unit. I've read the cooling sticky for vr6 and it states they run for 10 min after even when cold. I believe I do have an issue somewhere and if your quote is correct I would like to start there wherever it is. Might crack the Bentley book out and read up on some schematics. Oh the fun!

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Don't think the vr's have the run on switch like g60's that activates the fuel pump and radiator fan so likely to be the fan control module.

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  Gti_Jamo said:
Don't think the vr's have the run on switch like g60's that activates the fuel pump and radiator fan so likely to be the fan control module.


This is whats confusing me. i have a 2.0 16v KE-MO and the sticky thread is for VR6. Will mine fall into the same category and is it suppose to run for 10 min after engine switch off like it states on the sticky? think i will just stick with it until my battery starts playing up.

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I have a 16v with a VR6 transplant and my fan is controlled by a relay, on the main relay board, i cant remember which one but i will have a look tonight. I dont have a 3 stage fan its only 2 stage, and the radiator stat controls the stage it runs at. The relay clicks when the fan comes on and the relay clicks when the fan goes off after over run again its not always 10 mins it seems to go on the temp.


Just read your post again.... I had the same thing the fan ran all the time until I turned the ignition on and then it went off..with the ignition on and running all ran as advertised.. after a lot of cable chasing it was a short between to wires on the relay that was initiating the fan when the ignition was off, some quick insulating later and we were sorted,

Edited by spanneredmonkey

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  spanneredmonkey said:
I have a 16v with a VR6 transplant and my fan is controlled by a relay, on the main relay board, i cant remember which one but i will have a look tonight. I dont have a 3 stage fan its only 2 stage, and the radiator stat controls the stage it runs at. The relay clicks when the fan comes on and the relay clicks when the fan goes off after over run again its not always 10 mins it seems to go on the temp.


Just read your post again.... I had the same thing the fan ran all the time until I turned the ignition on and then it went off..with the ignition on and running all ran as advertised.. after a lot of cable chasing it was a short between to wires on the relay that was initiating the fan when the ignition was off, some quick insulating later and we were sorted,


Glad to see someone has experienced the same issue. Would it be a relay on the main fuse board or the FCU that had the short? Funny thing is that today i went out with a pal to show him the problem. It was cold, i started it then switched off, fan kicked in, ignition on it went off. took it for a blast and got up to temp, switched it off....and no fan kicked in?? so when its cold the fan comes on and when its warm it doesnt. At the minute i just have to chuckle about it. Very strange indeed. If you could get the details of relay etc then that would be great then i will have a scout for any shorts.





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Mine was a short at the main fuse board, it sounds like the wiring to the rad stat is backwards or the replacement has a different configuration from the one you replaced, try and have a play with the way it's wired

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  spanneredmonkey said:
I have had to work late but I think that it's either 45 or 28


Cheers pal for the info. Got my head in the Bentley schematics so hopefully will get my head around the wiring!

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