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Whilst bored during last nights Jungle Torture I came across this company. Anyone on here got one of their kits or know anything about them? Seem very reasonably priced for DIY application




There's quite decent write ups on what you get and why you get it. Also love the fact they sell the crap Chinese turbos and in the description pretty much say they're rubbish and not to bother :lol:

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I remember seeing this site a while back but had forgotten about it til now. Yeah love how they basically say its crap! Good how they tell you exactly why though and what you're getting for your money.

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I really like the sound of the Garrett stage one kit. Sounds a decent option for well under £3k and for me personally there's a lot more satisfaction knowing you done it yourself

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Do seem fairly comprehensive. Stage II would best compromise IMO. You'd want to take head off anyway to do ARP bolts and then may as well do clutch at the same time.

Things start ramping up so probably add another £1000 on top to get a good car.

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If I did go for it I would be having to do it on a mega tight budget - the stage two is stuff that could be done at a later date though? Obviously it would make sense to do it right the first time but if you had to do it in stages for financial reasons?


*edit* btw I do understand that any normal sane minded person would wait til they had all the money to do it properly the first time, but I'm desperate to turbo my car and both impatient and poor. And thick.

Edited by Jamie

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Don't then. Wait and do it properly or you will regret it. Don't skimp when it comes to adding a turbo to one of these. Id still like to see their intercooler set up as it may not work with the C.


If you want to do it yourself just watch all the forums and pick up bits here and there cheaply. You could probably get most good stuff for around £2-2500 for the equivalent of their stage 2. Id also recommend a GT35 over the GT30.

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Coullstar you are 100% right and deep down I already knew it. Interesting what you say about the intercooler. Pretty sure it does say suitable for the Corrado but would need checking before hand. One thing I did notice on one of the kits (may have been the rotrex kit) it says RHD available at extra cost. The problem for me with buying off forums is I've had bad experiences in the past buying used performance parts so will be going for brand new bits as much as is possible. Good things come to those who wait but I want the good things it's the waiting bit I struggle with

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The intercooler would need to be checked behind a C bumper, probably better getting OBD-II management as well to start with. I bought a brand new turbo for piece of mind when I had mine, that was £1250 alone. Also wondering if anyone has tried these barrel chargecoolers now by PWR to see what results they have.


Having had one they are ace but if I was to build my own now Id aim for mid to low 300bhp as to be honest that's enough to make a really quick car but not too much to start breaking bits and overwhelming the chassis.

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Hmmmm is OBDII an absolute necessity? I was hoping to avoid having to go down that road if I could help it. Yeah the turbo would definitely have to be new for me, that's the one thing I definitely wouldn't chance second hand. It's easy to say I wouldn't really be after huge power as I know how addictive it is, but after building a "within an inch of its life" beetle engine that needed repairing every other week I would put reliability would be above huge power these days. I think 300bhp would be enough to put a smile on my face and from what I've read is like you say - easily achieveable without massively stressing the rest of the car...

Edited by Jamie

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Oh good. I'm starting to think I may be better just saving up and letting Vince do his stuff. A DIY would be cool though

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