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Rafe Abrook

Steering Wheel Questions

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Hi guys,


As a very tall driver (seat all the way back) I suffer a bit with the lack of reach adjustment on the standard VR6 wheel.


Would I be right in thinking that an aftermarket Momo wheel and Boss would bring the wheel slightly closer to me?


Also - I can't seem to find out anywhere which Boss is required for a 1992 VR6 (large or small spline), and is it the same as on the Mk3 Golf?


Many thanks,



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You will require a large spline boss for a '92 car, VW went from small to large spline across the range in 1990. Actually, all they did was to fit a sleeve to the small spline steering column which is removable with a puller. A Momo wheel will sit slightly closer to you but it will only be 'slightly'.

An answer might be having a spacer fitted between the wheel and the boss if it really bugs you. If you do an e-bay search for 'Momo steering wheel boss kit spacer' you will find lots in different thicknesses.

Edited by leon263
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  Rathion said:
You get adjustable bosses too. Never used one but this looks like it may help your particular situation.




Thanks buddy,


Will that be compatible with the Momo wheel and Steering Boss in this eBay ad?



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That will work OK as the adjustable boss is Momo friendly. Basically you will bolt the adjustable spacer onto the boss which will come with the wheel and then bolt the wheel onto the spacer. You will probably need to extend the wire running to the horn push from the bottom of the original boss but that should not present a problem.

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I've just had another look at the Momo wheel and boss which you are considering and I think there may be a problem with it. I'm sure that there should be a brass ring on the base of the boss to pick up the power for the horn button. Have a look at the base of the boss pictured below and you will see the brass ring as mentioned above. The brass ring picks up the power from a spring loaded tab in the steering column and transfers it via a short wire to the bottom of the horn button. Without that ring the boss will not pick up the power to make the horn work.

I'm also sure that there should be a lug on the base of the boss to cancel the indicators as seen in the photo below. Scroll down to the last photo.


I'd think that the wheel on e-bay is Momo OK but the boss is unlike any Momo boss I've ever seen.




Edited by leon263

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Good points! ^^^


You can get a Momo fit boss to suit the VR for £25 on ebay. I've got my eye on one as got a Momo wheel arriving in the next few days (pics to follow but I think it should suit the C nicely!) but I'm not sure if the small spline, VW boss it comes with will suit so will buy one of these if needed.



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That looks like it has tapped holes for 70 or 74mm PCD. Good choice in case you go for a diff wheel later, nardi for example

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  VAG-hag said:
That looks like it has tapped holes for 70 or 74mm PCD. Good choice in case you go for a diff wheel later, nardi for example


Oh yeah! Well spotted - I didn't! LOL

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Well I've now got my Momo wheel and still not fitted! lol


I bought the boss in the ebay link I put above and it's crap! I'm a believer in you get what you pay for, but thought well it's a wheel boss, what can go wrong! :-/


Overall the quality doesn't look great, the horn ring sticks out the back of the boss which isn't shown in the main pic but more importantly it doesn't fit!!


The splines are right but I think the hole is just too tight. It's about 3-4mm too short of seating on properly;




Needless to say it's going back and I've ordered a proper Momo one. I should have done that in the first place. Oh well!


Can't wait to get the wheel on - I think it will look great in the C. Pics to follow once it's in! ;)

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I bought a B&G (brown&Geeson) quick release boss ( works in conjuction with your momo boss) and it brought the steering wheel alot closer. I, like you, am also very tall at 6'3. I feel like a touring car driver with the wheel so close, its great! Would highly recommend + you get the added security feature of being able to take your steering wheel into the house with you at night :)

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  Liam20vT said:
I bought a B&G (brown&Geeson) quick release boss ( works in conjuction with your momo boss) and it brought the steering wheel alot closer. I, like you, am also very tall at 6'3. I feel like a touring car driver with the wheel so close, its great! Would highly recommend + you get the added security feature of being able to take your steering wheel into the house with you at night :)


I'm not tall Liam, I'm a short-ass! lol Thanks for the tip though, should be useful for other tall ones :thumbleft:

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I've had a few PITA moments myself with this.


Firstly I stupidly bought a great second hand Momo Wheel attached to a Golf VR6 Boss thinking it would fit, and not realising the Golf has an airbag!


Then I tried to fit my Momo Boss extender and realised they had sent me the wrong screws!


The wheel is on and looks great but it's not close enough to my chest yet, but the correct screws just arrived so I should be ok now!

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