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Production year?

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Just bought EBC green stuff brake pads for my G60 1990, and now i see that the pads are to be installed on corrados from 89-90.

How do i find out if i got a 89-90 or 90-92 model? cause the part number on the brake pads differs between those two year makes...

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as a rough guide.........if your C was first registered before August 90 its classed as being a pre-90 model year(MY) example..........if it was registered after August 1990 then its got a good chance of being a 1991 model year one.........though of course its got an equal chance of being a late registered 90(MY) one


VW's model years run from AUGUST to JULY........eg.....Sept 1990 build date = a 91(MY) car...........June 1990 buld date = a 90(MY)car



btw if you get in contact with VW's customer care line in whatever country your in and give them chassis number details they should be able to tell you straight away what (MY) your Corrado is

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Green stuff, yurrghh! They're shite. Pagid Fast road pads are infinitely better. I did a side by side comparison of GS v PFR. The GSs take ages to bed in and don't bite anywhere near as well as the PFRs, which you can see by inspecting the disc surface.



94 VR6

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Thanks vr6storm! just went thru my papers and found out that it was registered 01 february 1990 so its pretty safe to asume it's an 89-90 then :D

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