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Subwoofer stealth enclosure

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I'm considering resurrecting my 12" JL to pop in the raddo and fancied having a go at side stealth build but have never attempted one before. I'm hoping to get about 1 cu ft of volume with easy access to the spare wheel but don't know if this is feasible.


I'm guessing fibre glass back mated to an mdf front is the way to go but before I attempt this, would appreciate any suggestions, inspiration or offers of any you have premade.


If I do the above, then I'll probably fit the amp in the other side.


My alternative is to drop in a false floor to hide the amp and use a standard wedge shaped box.

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Have a look at this fella.


I am planning on doing something like this but its a good way off yet. this is however the best how too i have seen.


Also I think you might be a little short on volume for a 12" sub. I would check the JL website before taking this on




My sub will work with just less than 1 cu ft so appreciate it may stick out a bit.


And thanks for the link, that work was tip top.

Edited by MZpog

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I made something similar using an Eminence LAB12, the internal volume (accounting for that displaced by the driver itself) is around 25L, and it's sealed - which is one of the configurations suggested by Eminence. Frequency response is a bit wack but I have pretty fancy EQ available which tames it.


It sticks out into the boot about 50mm from the plastic side bit, so it's not quite as compact as the one in that link, but it's still easy to get to the spare wheel etc.





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I copped out and bought a prebuilt box and fitted some banana plugs so I can unplug the sub. I figured fibreglassing myself into the boot of a corrado wasn't the best idea.


Funkster, 197 PS from a B is very healthy and obviously not standard (get a picture up). Mine had a Peter Burgess head and made nothing like that.

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Didn't spot your reply at the time... you're right, it's not standard. T16 turbo! Alas, it's in many many pieces at the moment, other things in life having gotten in the way. I'm hoping to get some time to work on it this winter, will maybe do a little thread on here when it's back together in case peeps are interested.

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Some pictures of my old B








Alternative spare wheel


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Looks clean! Did you do the body work yourself?


Here's my old heap, back when it was road legal... and a bit of paper that somewhat backs up the claim of horsepower.

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Looks clean! Did you do the body work yourself?


Here's my old heap, back when it was road legal... and a bit of paper that somewhat backs up the claim of horsepower.


Bodywork was done by garage. I did lots of mechanical bits to make it drive better.

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