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was there ever a vw G80 engine?

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me & a mate are in the middle of a ding dong about this, so i put it to the people who know.




Was there ever a G80 engine made?

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In a word - no, never one in production, others better qualified than me may know if one was ever under development

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No. The 60mm diameter of the G60 was the largest that VW could make at the time they were producing them. There may have been a prototype 80mm version, but it never saw any being made for sale...

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there was a G80 g-lader as mentioned by Henny and was used on some engines BUT it never was a full production engine


there is veryu little info and i did have a bit on it until i lost everything on one of my hard drives :mad: which kind of pied me off


What you have to remember VW named the "Engine" or "Car" after the g-lader they used i.e g-40's and g-60's

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i have never seen a g80 in development sorry alex i think its a myth.... the g60 is a stretched g40 there is no way in the world that it could have been taken anyfuther ... alex .. inlet size dosent count mate ! :-P "g60 . g80 spec'ed charger." :lol:

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i have never seen a g80 in development sorry alex i think its a myth.... the g60 is a stretched g40 there is no way in the world that it could have been taken anyfuther ... alex .. inlet size dosent count mate ! :-P "g60 . g80 spec'ed charger." :lol:


ok cool im not going to get into some silly stupid "yes there was" "no there wasnt"


I will try and get the info again (means a few more nights searching the net) but hopefully find it and if you do ask a few germans they will confirm that a g80 was built even if you can contact g-lader direct


but hey what do i know :roll:


p.s darren if size doesnt matter why do we port, open up and run bigger items on engines to produce more power

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hahah no alex of course size matters .. :lol: :lol: just dont make it a G80 mate.... :lol: :lol:

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VW pushed the boundaries of production at the time to get the G60 to work... 80mm for the charger was out of the possibilities of the manufacturing AND the materials at hand in the late 80s when the work on the G laders was done... :?


If there was a G80, then it was either a one off, or one of 2 or 3 prototypes made.....


Why else do you think that no-one else tried to make the G-lader and VW dropped it after a few years? :(

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The G80 has been discussed on German forums, the same way that there it is here, speculation. It was supposivly a companion charger to a 2.3 engine. The G60 was streching the original G40 design past the limits if the truth be known. We have had several 150k unserviced G40 units in which have a tenth of the wear of G60's. The concept of a g80 may have been well and good,but the practice I think would have ended in disaster after a few thousend miles. We have lots of information unpublished, but routed out via varios means, uopn the G60 and G40 charger. Only ever heard rumor, but never seen anything to document a G80 in any incarnation.

There was a G50 charger though!!

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yeah, I'd heard of the G50 (and for that matter I've seen a spec for a G30 too, but don't know any more about that! :?) but didn't know if it ever actually existed... :|

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yup, just found those pics myself... 8) Made by SIG Automotiv (Neuhausen, Switzerland) NOT VW... ;)

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However aren't certain tuning companies offering what are effectively G70s?


ie. Bahn Brenners GT70 conversion?

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nope, not unless they are making new casings and displacers... The 40 and 60 in G40/G60 is the diameter of the displacer in mm... There is NO way to enlarge this part without making new outer housings and actually making a new displacer...


The GT70 just Bahn Brenner's version of R1, R2, Stage1, Stage4 what ever you want to call it... They are just marketing terms to describe what work has been done to the charger and as such are pretty meaningless... :roll: In the case of the GT70 Bahn Brenner offers, it's a well flowed and ported charger with an enlarged inlet which is taken to 70mm diameter... A very good package, but NOT a G70... ;) :roll:

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yup, just found those pics myself... 8) Made by SIG Automotiv (Neuhausen, Switzerland) NOT VW... ;)


not VW but the guy who designed the G-lader charger [from the original concept all those decades before] and took the idea to VW, has since moved to Switzerland and I last heard was still developing the concept further with his own company. I would guess that it's the same guy...



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I think SIG has discontinued development of the G50/Ecodyno. There was never a G70 G80 etc. There was however a VWMotorsport G60 with a different displacer and a ring to hold the displacer oil seals in place. The chargers were made by Jung for VW and at the time there was no technology (nor the machines) to make anything bigger.

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