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VR6 steering gear/rack knocking

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Hi all,


I have noticed recently while driving on rough surfaces a slight knocking/clonking coming up through the steering. Put the car up on a lift yesterday and if I grab the left hand tie rod and jerk it towards the rear of the car there's some slight movement and the knock noise. I suspect it may be the rack because when I grab the rack through the boot inboard of the inner tie rod joint I get the same result. Front bushes, bearings bjs etc have been replaced. The car has 75k miles done, the steering feels pin sharp on the road and the slightest movement of the steering wheel sees the wheels moving as they should.


Is there a rebuild kit available that is more than just seals?

If buying a replacement where's best to get one?

The car is a '95 RHD so can anyone definitively say is it TRW or ZF?



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I think most VR6s came with a ZF rack, but don't think that's guaranteed as both manufacturers make a compatible part. Yes there will be a repair kit for it, whichever one it is.

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