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Borbet A 9" Questions

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Hi All,


I asked a similar question some time back: http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?90697-9-quot-Rears&highlight=Grrrrallye


But I now have a staggered set of Remotec/Borbet A with 9" for the rear:



I have offered these up, as i need to return the buckled rear and the 9s appear to be massively wide before i even add the spacer.


My arches have been pulled and extended a bit but these things stick out a long way.


Is this because the VR has a wider track? I see others running 9s on the back and they look flush to arch but what I'm seeing here will need lots MORE work to the arches.


Can anyone shed any light please as i have the chance to exchange the buckled rears for either 9s or 7.5s

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The dish on the rears look wild! they look to have more dish than my 9" borbet A's. Whats the et on them? I reckon its less than et15. I'm running 9x16 et15 on my vr6 with slightly pulled and rolled arches and they sit fine, poke a little but they fit.

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Swiftkid they are 16x9 with an et of 15. They do look very deep, I dont know if this is because of the polish or if the Remotec are a slightly different fitment?


I must have had 2" poke without the adapters fitted and no rubber and with the stretched arches.

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i agree with swift, iv had 9"et15 borbet A's on the rear of my vr and they stuck out abit but the dishs did not look as big as the ones you have there, if you search my thread in members gallery theres some pics , probably page 3-4...

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Hmmmmm, just had a look at yours. Mine do look deeper, even the other half thinks so, so it must be true.


The guy i got them from is going to replace the buckled 9s with another pair of 7.5s so I am going to run 7.5 all round for now and when i have the bloody car running then i will look at wheels again i think

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Should be same if its et15, give it a measure to double check. You got any pictures of them fitted? They will look wider without tyres, I can get you a dimension from arch to wheel lip on my car if you want to compare?

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Good offer fella but they are all packaged up now ready for the new ones being exchanged tomorrow.


To be fair, I have built the car as a cruiser not a racer or a show pony and will be used for road trips so smaller wheels bight not be the worse idea of all time

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