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I’ve recently been advised to change my Tappets on my Vr6 because of the knocking noise coming from the engine, so I sent away for some standard ones, they arrived and my mate did them as a favour. He informed me that the problem wasn’t the Tappets but the Cams so he replaced the old ones.

What I’m asking for is some information on which Cams to buy, will they come with Tappets or will the standard ones I bought do the job?

All I know is that the cams you buy depends on how many miles you do. In my case not very much.

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Get some schrick 268's. no, they won't come with tappets. or hydrauliv lifters to give them their proper name.

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Get some schrick 268's. no, they won't come with tappets. or hydrauliv lifters to give them their proper name.



are you not meant to use matching lifters too tho????......ie schrick cams + schrick lifters???????????

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How do the Schrick 268 cams compare to standard timing/lift cams in terms of low speed torque, high speed power, fuel economy and longevity? If the engine is otherwise standard, without the benefit of PhatVR6's other extensive modifications including the Schrick VGI and the ultra close-ratio gearbox to keep it all cooking, it may be that C-mann would be disappointed with a peaky cam set-up which robs him of low speed torque. It's a matter of choice of course, but informed choice is best.


Best wishes



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There's no evidence to suggest that 268's offer a peaky delivery or affect low down torque to a noticeable degree.


have a look on http://www.vwvortex.com in the 12vVR6 forum. cam debates come up regularly, and the schrick 268 always comes out as favouriate, an there's many many dyno plots to look at too.

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AFAIK the schrick cams are for better top-end power.................so would really depend on C-mann's driving style too...........although i have the schrick VGi i was told by ppl i know that my driving style wouldn't really suit having the schrick cams installed too and although it wouldn't be detrimental to my car i reasoned that given my driving style it would be a waste of money me getting them and also especially with the manifold i would lose a wee bit of my newly found low-end torque.......just my £0.02p's :wink:

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what driving styles that then?


still keeping the MPG above 40 are we? :roll:


You don't have to thrash the balls off a car to enjoy it.

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what driving styles that then?


still keeping the MPG above 40 are we? :roll:


You don't have to thrash the balls off a car to enjoy it.


I do 8) :lol: :lol:

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


nah nah, not necessarioly thrash...


but at least drive it properly :lol:


only havin a larf before anyone gets serious too :!:

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If you're worried about a drop in low down torque, you could always try Shcrick 256s instead, they're aimed more toward midrange. The 268 is at it's best with the Schrick manifold but as Phat said, no one has complained of a serious lack of grunt using them on a standard engine. A standard VR isn't especially torquey low down anyway.


Standard cams from VW are around £100 each I think. I would check your oil pressure if the cams are worn. VW cams are tough as old boots and not normally known for wearing.

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what driving styles that then?


still keeping the MPG above 40 are we? :roll:



i wish!!!!............better than hitting round-abouts of course :wink: :-P ...............

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


nah nah, not necessarioly thrash...


but at least drive it properly :lol:


only havin a larf before anyone gets serious too :!:



ahh thats where i go wrong too..........i kinda like to go ROUND round-abouts you see.....didn't realise the way to drive properly was too go sideways into them and stop with the kerb :roll:


right enough of this.........tis getting a tad off-topic now.....its not a thread about mine or your driving styles.....its about whether to get schrick cams or normal cams :wink:

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--or indeed if new cams are needed at all ! Why does C-mann's mechanic think that the originals are worn out? Is there scuffing through the case-hardening on the lobes? Or maybe the bearings are worn without damage to the journals, in which case it's a bearing change only. I assume they are shell bearings which can be replaced without the need for line boring.


My engine had done 162K when the head gave up the ghost. It had blown the gasket because of very deep pitting on the mating surface and it was cost effective to replace the head complete with all valve gear (£750 + VAT from VW exchange, against many hours of stripping down the old item and replacing most of the parts anyway). The point of all this is that, OK it had been a bit tappety, but not to the extent that I had ever suspected camshaft wear like you used to hear on old Ford Pintos. I'm surprised that the camshafts in this case were the culprits unless the engine had been horribly abused or neglected.

Perhaps it's timing chains/tensioners if there is lots of rattling. Not much comfort, but a pity to buy new cams and end up with a continuing problem.


Best Wishes



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no, your right rodders, you dont go sideways into roundabouts.... but then neither do i.


tho glad to see that you decided not to try your brake saving tip again after crashing into the rear of that last poor sod you hit.... :roll::roll::roll:


but yeah, get it back on topic :lol:

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no, your right rodders, you dont go sideways into roundabouts.... but then neither do i.


tho glad to see that you decided not to try your brake saving tip again after crashing into the rear of that last poor sod you hit.... :roll::roll::roll:


but yeah, get it back on topic :lol:


oh yes you do............unless of course your OZ suddenly lost a substantial bit of rim from just hitting a white line :roll:


and as for my wee bump which was soo severe.......it caused no damage to the said poor sod :wink:........at the end of the day my wee bump was just down to not paying attention at 10mph tops.......from what struan told me at the RR day yours was due to going in FAR too fast into the round-about and you losing control and hitting the kerb(or white line :wink: )

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Will you two stop flirting!


Tell me about it.


Put a sock in it you two!!

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In amongst this lot is buried some useful info from Roger Blassberg which is quite true actually. As I say, VW cams are not known for wearing. Prior to my head rebuild, a new set of followers would quieten the engine for about 1000 miles and then progressively get louder again. Post head rebuild and it's remained quiet, so Roger is right in suggesting the head could just be tired in general, slack bearings, slack chain tensioner etc etc, which all adds up to a tappy and rough sounding engine.


You also get the smoothness and urge restored with a new head, so perhaps budget for that *before* the cams, or at the same time to prevent duplicate labour.


Unfortunately I got the 268s after having the head done, so now *another* set of tappets has to go in plus a partial strip down of the top end...... ho hum. Bad timing or what!

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