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Quick and easy cupholder.

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After a two week long bumpy road trip I had enough of carrying around an old trainer to try and prevent drinks spillages.

Looking for solutions I found this;




An S2000 owner had attached a Modshack TT cupholder to the seat base.

Great, that would work in the C, but alas the cupholder ring is no longer available.

So I intended to make my own as I have a spare RAM swivel mount, just need to make the ring.

It then occurred to me to use the seat retaining bolt which would negate the use of the swivel mount, simplifying things greatly.

I could just bolt on a p clip of the right diameter.



At first I used an 80mm (stainless steel) p clip, later this was swapped to a 70mm for better fit.


Bending both tabs in the vice and smoothing the curve. Pretty happy with the result, not too flimsy . [ATTACH]82705[/ATTACH]

Fixings here are M6 x 15mm high tensile socket cap and nut with a A2 wave (Din 137A) washer. The original dome nut for the end is retained (not pictured).


Here it is fitted...(please excuse the road trip crumbs)


And in use...


It's a bit loose here due to the thickness of the footwell mat so I swapped it for a 70mm p clip.


Much better.


And when it's folded up its out of sight, you would know it was there.


Edited by science

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Just don't this on my car and ordered another for the passenger side.


What a great simple idea, thanks very much for the great idea :clap::clap:

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