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Speedo problem

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I tested my speedo (91 g60) last night with gps. It appears to be consitently running 10mph too fast. This is odd because 2 months ago i tested it and was surprised to find it bob on - even at 110.

Initially i attributed the problem to a faulty solonoid (or whatever you call that unit attached to the needle) due to tinkering with speedo whilst reversing the polarity of the lcds and changing the colour of the floodlighting. However i swapped the component with one from the spare set of vr6 dials i had as it had the same serial no.). Needless to say the problem still exists.

I'm wondering if the needle should naturally be at rest below the needle stopper thereby not showing any movement until 10mph or whether something more sinister is at work - does the rubber vacuum tube inserted into the rear of the speedo have a bearing on it all - maybe there's a leak?

any help on this would be most appreciated as it's a veryt annoying niggle.

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Have you been changing wheels and tyres in the meantime, leading to altered gearing?

The vaccum hose is for the MFA

Please let me know when you are driving at 110 whilst operating a GPS, :shock: and I'll make sure I stay at home....


Best wishes



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the speedo needle should rest BELOW the end stop naturally... IIRC it tends to point at the bottom left corner of the dial face (the bit where the curve turns into a straight line across the bottom)


If you've placed your needle back on resting against the endstop, your speedo will overread at all speeds... You can simply hook the needle over the endstop to get it from the corner position to pointing at 0... 8)

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cheers henny. I'll give that a go, although i did try doing that with the initial solonoid but to no avial. I havent tried it wit the new one for fear of screwing it up.


I have changed the tyres and wheels in the last few months but there have been no size changes, and i'm pretty sure the speeds were ok before i started messing with the speedo - ie change out of 2nd at 45 etc..

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wehayyy... tried that in lunch and its worked, although i think im about 3 - 5 mph over now, so i'll calibrate on gps this evening. I think i was being too timid with the solonoid unit before - the needle needs to be firmly fixed for it to grip the axle :D .


thanks henny.

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