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Anyone near Edinburgh?

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Anyone on here live near Edinburgh? Absolutely gutted, there is a scrapyard not too far from me and I was just having a look at the stock they have in as they are dirt cheap for parts, got pretty excited as they have a Corrado VR6 in with full leather interior! Well that was my weekend sorted, except I hadn't noticed I'd not filtered out Edinburgh location :(


If anyone fancies nipping to scrapyard and getting me the full leather and some other goodies then posting it to Hull I would be most appreciative, otherwise go get yourself a very cheap interior.


Looks like theres some nice parts to be had!



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I just phoned them up, sadly the leather interior has already gone. Someone has picked up a real bargain there!

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I have seen on another page it's been pretty much stripped bare, only engine parts and brakes left, interior is gone

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