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New Corrado owner - Need to remove and the refer the rear window

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Hi All.


I am looking the remove the rear window in my 93 VR6. The glass is held in by a rubber which is in very good nick. However as its been stood for the past 5 years there is a small hole in the left side approx site of a twenty pence coin. I want to remove the window then tig a small plate in to resolve the issue then refit the original rubber and glass.


Any one with some instruction on how to go about it. I have seen the glass it put back by the string in the channel method but what about removal.


Is this done from the inside.


Do i pry the rubber away from the glass or the body work?


start at a corner and work up/down a side first or across the bottom/Top first?




Any advice gratefully received.





Edited by tonylam

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Do you mean on the rear hatch or the back quarterlight?

Either way, both glasses are bonded in so there will be no easy string method.

The quarterlights rubber and glass are the one unit and need to be cut out carefully so you can rebond them in again.

The rear hatch rubber seal can be prised out, if you are lucky, I tried 2 at the weekend, one ripped, one came out ok, using some heat and wd40, the glass is still bonded in at this point but it might give you enough access with out removing, if not its cutting time

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Hi Easy pops. thanks for the insight. i will try the prise the rubber out and see what we can see.





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