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Redex on roids... BG 44K

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Thought it worth a mention. I had a vac leak about a month ago causing me to run poorly and coat the new cat, borla, lambda... christ knows about the valves, in a film of cack and in turn plummet the mpg :censored: . Fixed the leak (dead simple) along with a mini service of the maf and the mpg improved. Did a wee bit of research and came across this gear, complete with its sketchy name POWER ENHANCER. Hmmm.

Reviews, on the other hand, were bliddy positive so thought bugger it.


Won't comment too much on the power side but does feel more responsive (bugger, I commented on it). Placebo, maybe. Probably get the same increase from folding the mirrors in.

BUT... MPG. Oh yes.


33mpg up to Alton Towers. 30mpg combined. And, ok, a little rudimentary, but the mpg rises quicker on the mfa!

Gotta be 15% ^ easy :)

Edited by Hisnibs

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I used BG44K a few years back, and I thought the same as you, again, wasn't sure if it was placebo but it seemed to do the trick, and much better than redex anyway.

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I got 36 MPG commuting this morning as the traffic was light but may try some of the snake oil you mention. Where'd you get it from?

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36 hey, very nice. I'd have to be coasting for a good few miles at 50ish to achieve that. But 33mpg cruising at 75mph, I've never seen those figures before.

Just on Amazon matey, didn't really do much shopping around though.

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