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Electrical problem- Big one at that Help needed urgently

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Dont know where to start.......I had better start from the top (bear with me) Got a 1.8 16v by the way.


I took my car to a garage approx one month ago with a duff slave cylinder. On retrieval of the car I I found that the car had no Power steering belt OR fan belt. I had no choice but to drive the car for a short distance home, the result being it overheated.


I complained to the garage on mon and explained that there where no belts. They denied all knowledge and said it was not there fault. The long and short of it was that they fitted new belts and then happily informed me that the cylinder head was most likely damaged due to overheating. The car now refused to vent properly and would only stay cool if they messed around with the fan switch. (important for later) They also informed me that the heaters continually blow cold air (venting?)


This was the state my car was in prior to fri


Anyway onto the current problem


On the way to leeds last fri my car dies. It was turning over but not firing up. The electrics did not fail or dim etc the car simply stopped. Rac man informed me he thought it was ignition amplifier, and was towed to a local garage. I informed them of what was suspected and asked them to check first. Dont know what happened in the mean time but a new dizzy and something else were fitted (£200s worth) And the problem was still not fixed. A sparky was called in and tried to fix the problem (£150) He kind of did fix the problem after a week of no car, but the car will not rev over 5000 and its popping fuses repeatedly. I am then informed that Im best of scrapping the car as its doomed. There is apparent corrosion to the fuseboard and other stuff. Im not scrapping my car, and was just about to get a vr6 conversion.


Has anyone any idea whats going on here cos i have no clue. All I know is im shelling out for work that is not fixing my car. Could it be my alarm/immob, ignition switch or some other common problem or the fact that the last garage were messing round with the fan. Help urgently required on this as Im not a happy bunny. :(

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Well first, why did you drive it back from the garage if you knew it had no belts?


What do you mean by no fan belt - the fan is electric?

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It all sounded like doom and gloom until you mentioned the VR6 transplant...


If you are going to drop a VR6 in there, you'll take the loom with you too - have a feeling that might just sort you out. :)


Bit miffed that the car started going haywire after the sparky touched it, do you have any comeback from him? I'd chase that to the ends of the earth! No point in spending any more on the car in the current state it's in if you plan a VR6 conversion, seems a little futile. Sorry I couldn't offer any in depth technical advice, just thought the VR6 perspective might ease the pain.


I hope all pans out well for you


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1st things first; name and shame that garage, then torch it.

2nd look at the recommended garages for a garage local to you and take it there and get them to have a look at it to diagnose what the problem is, as to a garage that knows anything about VW's (or just cars in general) it may be a simple fix.


Then if it is diagnosed as something a little more complicated and costly you could always look down the VR6 conversion route.

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Right. More news. This is the official version. The problems on taking the car to the 2nd garage are as follows.

There appears tp be no live power feed to the ecu? Wiring beyond the bulkhead being different colours to that in the engine bay and fuse board are making life no easier! The car is now running due to a fused wire, as a bypass to the ecu from the coil. At the moment this is the only reason the car is running, but three times since this fuse has blown and the car has then stopped running. There is also a problem with the engine shutting off at 5000rpm with a missfire, not sure if this is due to electric load on the wire used or leads/plugs breaking down?


Mike Edwards - If I had left the car where it was it wouldve have been torched within the hour, or on bricks :wink:


Bigpants Baby. If u can do the conversion or know anyone who cab for the right money let me know. Am hard up at the mo and only have a couple of grand to spend

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did you say your from leeds if you are you wanna be contacting smashing vw or the body specialist accross the road from them as the guy knows everything about the 16v lumps and looms. I've had something similar happen to my 16v too recently and i'm pretty sure its down to a loom problem, so will be removing it and replacing it with a standard one. If you need any help pm me and i'll give you thenumbers of soem of the guys i use in leeds mate. :D

what colour is your corrado, may have seen it about

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Well first, why did you drive it back from the garage if you knew it had no belts?


What do you mean by no fan belt - the fan is electric?


I think he's refering to the V belt as the belt that runs the alternator is often referred to as a fan belt...


The garage would have had no reason to remove it to change the slave cyl but would have noticed when they test drove the car or at least drove it out the garage! - the battery light would have been on... Its incompetance mate, contact trading standards :mad:

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