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Central Locking

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My central locking seems to have given up (linked to the alarm). The door lock works but the system seems unable to pull (or push) the door locks.


Is there an easy fix?

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You have a similar problem to what I've got, except maybe a little easier to diagnose. The brain bit of the alarm breaks into the central locking circuit, sounds like this connection might be dodgy.

Thats it I'm goin ta bed.




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Are you saying that your car will not lock on the alarm but will with the key? Furthermore are yoiu saying that even with the key it will not operate the central locking? I am trying to understand wether or not there is a common fault to both methods of securing the car or indeed it is isolated to the alarm interface with the CDL. If it is a common fault with both i would suggest you check out the central locking air pump located in the boot. You need to check the operation of this unit both as an isolated item and as part of the system it serves. If you find it to be ok as a unit but not as part of the system then you are looking for the fault in the wiring supply or in the vac pipe system from the pump to the locks.

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Check your battery voltage... :idea:

I had the same problem when my battery was about to die... :wink:

When the radiatior fan was running the door locks never went down.

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I think the problem is with the vacuum system - Neither the key or the alarm fob works.

Where is the Central locking pump in the boot. I can hear it whirring - but it has no effect.

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I think the problem is with the vacuum system - Neither the key or the alarm fob works.

Where is the Central locking pump in the boot. I can hear it whirring - but it has no effect.



IIRC its behind the trim on the same side as the petrol filler flap

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