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One for the Vortech boys

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What is the service interval for a Vortech V1 super charger?


The one I have has about 40k miles on it.


Do they actually have service intervals at all? I cant find any information on them.


Has any one heard of one detonating G Lader style ?




I am deciding whether or not I need to get the charger rebuilt before I stick it on my shiny new 24v v6 motor :?

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I've heard they go on forever if looked after!


They can't explode like G Laders as it's just a traditional turbine, rather than an unbalanced lump of metal spinning around inside a scroll!


Therefore if the belt snaps, you don't get any fatal metal-on-metal contact like the Step-lader.



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Mint! thats what I like to hear!


I never knew how the G Lader worked - ta for that. I have visually checked the charger out and there was no lateral play in the bearings as all.


I think I will just fit it and see how it goes :-)


cant wait :D

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40K is nothing for a Vortech. That's the oil fed one yeah? They're the best to go for. I'm not convinced by the Z-engineering's dry running ceramic bearings.

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Cool - yes its one of the early ones with the oil tap and feed and the straight cut gears.


You certainly know that its installed as it has a canny whine to it :D


I am reckoning getting the car on the road by October/November and maybe supercharged after christmas.

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yes I am - I have been down the route of aftermarket engine management (on my old 20v Turbo mk2) and to be totally honest I found it all a bit crude. Great on full throttle but the cold starting and general manners of the car were attrocious!


No offense to anyone running aftermarket ECUs but VW spend so many millions on developing there engine management systems I think it would be foolish to think we can get the same results from a £1000 aftermarket ecu.

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LMK how you get on with it ie. how easy/difficult as I'm gonna be doing the same............... :wink:

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  kevhaywire said:
40K is nothing for a Vortech. That's the oil fed one yeah? They're the best to go for. I'm not convinced by the Z-engineering's dry running ceramic bearings.


The vortech chargers should do at least 100k between rebuilds but it might also depend on how often the oil is changed. Z- Engineering (ZR 1) ceramic charger got a bad reputation in the US as the drive belt (2 ribbed belts) had to be extremely tight to prevent slippage but overtightening overheated the bearings leading to many failures. High tension on the alternator belt also cause the water pump pulley to break off and the early alternator bracket to snap. The ZR 2 is OK as it has a cogged drive belt and oil reservoir for lubrication and a revised alternator bracket.

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Yes they are quite different even though the operating principle is the same:

Vortech has an oil feed from the engine whilst the z-charger's bearings spin in a bath of oil.

Vortech step up pulley is mechanically geared whilst the z has a cogged belt setup.

Vortech can handle more boost, up to 25 psi whilst the z can do 10 psi max.

They both sound quite different, the z is quite high pitched and the vortech more of a mechanical whine.

There are probably many more differences which I can't think of.

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That's strange, mine never slips but that's probably because my belt is quite old and doesn't stretch anymore. They tend to slacken off a bit in damp weather though, but even then it only slips a bit in first gear.

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