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G-Lader rebuild secondary shaft bearings?

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Does any of you g-lader techs have a proper method on how to remove these. Can't appear to find much info online. My ones look in good shape still but I have new ones there so be a shame not to fit them.



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Also, to clarify, the displacer doesn't have the metal springs - just the casings that contain tension springs?


Does both the displacer and the casings use the same type of apex seals? As my kit came with two types, one type is specifically labelled for 'diffuser'. These are green in colour but the others are grey. Looks like I have plenty of the grey ones to do all the seals on both casing and the displacer but the green ones looks like I only have enough for the displacer. I assume 'diffuser' is just another term for this.


Any help will be greatly appreciated. I plan to do a comprehensive guide for rebuilding.

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Yeah read all that and most of the internet. Guess i'm looking for info directly from someone who has rebuilt them. I have an idea but would just like clarification.



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Sorry i'm not going to be much help here. I remember the bearing in the bottom housing being a pig to get out. Don't recall what I did with the Aux shaft bearing it's that long ago.


I also don't recall the seals being different colours but you're right about the springs. I have some spares if you need one.

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Cheers mate. My springs are all good, just need tensioned back up a bit. I reckon the main shaft bearings should come out with a good heat with a heat gun and if they do come out ok, then the small shaft bearings should come out like that too. Probably! Too be honest they old ones look and feel as good as the new ones. I have two chargers and both have the same coloured strips all the way through and none of them are green so will need to look into that further.

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