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Paint restoration

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Hi all

Has anyone got any tips for restoring the paint on corrado bumpers? I have a nugget yellow G60 that has some faded paint in this area. Any suggestions welcome.



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turtle wax colour magic usually gets the colour back on my tornado red g60 and then i give it a good polish with auto glym resin polish which lasts for a few weeks and sometimes wash it with some of that wash and wax stuff which seems to keep the colour stable works for me anyway :)


i avoid using t-cut which contains amonia as amonia causes paint to fade(found this out when a local chemical plant had an amonia leak and a few cars in the plant car park had to have the paint restored profesionally)


its worth checking any polish for amonia as it works at first but can accelerate paint fade after a while most wax or resin polishes are usually ok


best stuff i have ever used was teflon based but i cant find it anywhere now and i cant remember what it was called but the finnish lasted for a couple of months

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Interesting to hear t-cut has ammonia in it.. from my A-Level Chemistry days i can tell u that Ammonia is a bleaching agent.. and used in most cleaners.. so its very possible that it could cause long term damage to the colour.

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the amount of amonia in t cut will not harm the paintwork,t cut does exactly as is says it does...it cuts a layer of paint off

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i think the pupose of amonia in t-cut is to deep clean the paint, which i suppose would work at first but like you say will start to bleach the paint t-cut is just a quick fix and i have never used it since using it on my old mr2 which looked terrible after a few days of using t-cut on it, the paint oxidised and went pink very quickly :(


dazzyvr6 the chemical plant i mentioned is just down the road from you, flexsys(formally monsanto)

its not the amount of amonia thats the problem its the fact that it stays on the paint if you give it a good wash and then wax or resin polish it should be ok but why remove a layer of paint if you dont have to???


i know a guy who works at frank williams(f1) private garages and they have the polish formulated for each paint colour (not cheap) might try and hasle him for some :lol:


you cant beat a good wax-resin IMO

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