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More cooling system questions...

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Hi all,


I'm sure you'll be glad to hear that I'm gradually nailing all the little niggly problems with my VR one by one! After replacing most of the cooling system & having half the engine bay multiplug rewired, the cooling system is almost back to normal. The only thing left to do is replace the auxilliary coolant pump which packed up (wiring has been checked - ok).


Anyway, I'm probably answering my own question here, but I'd like some second opinions. Whilst driving along the coolant temp gets up to around 90 & sits there (normal), but if I get stuck in traffic etc, it occasionally gets up to 105-110 ish (higher than it used to). Is this simply down to the aux pump not running? or should that not cause significant temp rises?



Robbo (getting happier by the day!)

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mine runs at that temp anyways, and i've heard of VRs going above 110 when stationary tbh, I don't think its something to worry about

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That's fine! The VR engine generates loads of heat- only need to worry if it regularly goes up over 120.

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