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Driver Door Handle Replacement

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Ok so, I leave work yesterday evening - get to my car and do the usual proceedure of puuling the handle towards me with the vain hope of the door following in motion and nothing happens! Great :x


I now have to open the driver door by climbing across the pasenger side and using the internal handle.


I took the handle off only to find that the latch mechanism has sheared away so its a new handle.


Can anyone advise on the type of handle I need i.e. is it a passat handle etc and whats the level of complexity to fit the damn thing?


I gotta get this one sorted a.s.ap cause at the moment I look like an extra from the Dukes Of Hazzard when I climb in through my window! :roll:


Cheers everyone :)

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Passat handles fit, and people use the rear from a Passat as there isn't a key hole (uhhh?) in it, so it looks better, and can't be forced with a screwdriver (as is very easy).


You have to take the whole mechanism out, as they are slightly different.


according to an article in the Sprinter a new Corrado one cost a person near on 80 notes from a stealer

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I thought the handles were one of the things that could only be bought from the Stealer, hence the price.


I know you'll struggle to get them from GSF or Eurocar Parts

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You have to take the whole mechanism out, as they are slightly different.


according to an article in the Sprinter a new Corrado one cost a person near on 80 notes from a stealer


Just been contacted by my local stealer - 80 notes aint far off at all! I have just been quoted £80.26 including VAT - do I take it that this new handle comes fabricated in Gold with some bling bling thrown in for good measure!


Ok so to get the handle I am either looking at a lock-less one from the rear of a Passat OR selling my soul to the Stealer. After that (assuming I get the handle without hemmoraging too much money) is the install fairly straight forward i.e. when its said that the whole mechanism needs taking out - are we talking the latch and everythng as I have my alarm set up (as with most C's) to work the lock for me.


Any ideas on the time frame/complexity of this kind of job?

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tbh at some of the prices the Stealer charges I thought i'd walked into a brothel rather than a car dealer, I would expect them to throw in a hand job for the kinda of numbers they come up with.


Do a search on the forum mate, there have been several threads about replacing/changing the handles, some have said it was "tricky".


You don't have to have the rear handles from a Passat, but people do it for looks/security, they look quite nice colour coded imo, but this can depend on the colour of your C.


I'd start with the Search option, if you have problems and can't find anything useful someone will come along soon and help.


might also be worth posting in the "Wanted" section too, as several pairs of handles have come up recently, and might still be unsold.





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']['H3R4POR wrote:


You have to take the whole mechanism out, as they are slightly different.


according to an article in the Sprinter a new Corrado one cost a person near on 80 notes from a stealer



Just been contacted by my local stealer - 80 notes aint far off at all! I have just been quoted £80.26 including VAT - do I take it that this new handle comes fabricated in Gold with some bling bling thrown in for good measure!


Ok so to get the handle I am either looking at a lock-less one from the rear of a Passat OR selling my soul to the Stealer. After that (assuming I get the handle without hemmoraging too much money) is the install fairly straight forward i.e. when its said that the whole mechanism needs taking out - are we talking the latch and everythng as I have my alarm set up (as with most C's) to work the lock for me.


Any ideas on the time frame/complexity of this kind of job?



As roger says, the best place o get original handles is from GPC for £45 each...

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take it back to the dealers and tell them you bought it several months ago and if there anything like mine they just swaped it under warranty,with out a reciept :shock:

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Well, have found a web site that sells obscure corrado parts (as well as other dub brands) so far, have found a handle for £50.00 - on top of that is the VAT and postage to it comes to around £65.00.


Unscrewed the handle yesterday to have a bit more detailed look and I have two problems stopping me from doing the job myself (other than being the worlds worst mechanic that is!).


1. I cannot seem to get the one end away from the door - this end being the furthest away from the lock barrel - any suggestions (I have taken the door pannel off and still cant get to the thing).


2. I have a wire which I presume is linked to my alarm/central locking system which seems to be pretty well fixed on to the handle. If it's on the lock barrel then its less of a problem cause I can tate that out (he says!) and replace it on the new handle but if its not, I'm gonna struggle to change the handle over myself I think.


Anyone come across any solutions to this little mind bender? I have looked at a few past threads but have not noticed anything that deals with this.


If you fancy taking some pictures for the how-to site ( http://the-corrado.net/how-to ) while you do it, that would be fantastic!


Gladly - that is if I can sort out the above issues.

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Well, have found a web site that sells obscure corrado parts (as well as other dub brands) so far, have found a handle for £50.00 - on top of that is the VAT and postage to it comes to around £65.00.


Could you let us know what site it is? Could be useful in the future...


Gladly - that is if I can sort out the above issues.


Good man :) loads of people have done it before, but there doesn't seem to be a definitive guide on here as to how to do it. Someone should be able to help you out and then I can catalague it for others to enjoy :D


Good luck!!

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Question 1 - it does come out! You just need to experiment with different angles and it should come out eventually.


Question 2 - Easiest way is to remove the door cards. Not too much work - should be able to do it in about 10-15 minutes for a first time.

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