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Please help!

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Hi guys + girls

Another starting problem on my KR Valver. Right here goes the battery is in good nick as is the starter motor and earth connections, i have replaced the ignition switch in the last month but still no joy. :cry:

My car when you turn the ignition powers everything up fuel pump and everything else as normal but when you turn the key through to the start position nothing happens as if it is not connecting the circuit to the starter motor so i'm having to bump start it every time which is irritating at best! please can someone come up with an idea that DOESN'T involve the ignition switch or earthing ideas.

Is there a relay or or something else on the way to the starter motor that could restrict or stop the current being given to the starter?


Many thanks in advance....

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Switch relay to starter motor, or simply faulty starter motor (how'd you know it's good nick?).... have you tried giving the starter motor a bit of a 'tap' before (or get someone else to do it whilst trying ignition) bit basic but some starters seem to respond to a bit of violence :D when you have started it, have you tried turning ignition to starter position then?

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does the starter click at all??when you turn the key to the start posistion to the lights on the dash dim at all and does it happen all the time or just now and again?

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Hi, no the starter doesnt make any noise, i know its in good nick as its only 6 months old, i guess the next step would be to stick a multi meter on the starter to see if it is actually being sent any current.

Where is the relay to the starter?


Cheers guys

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On the starter motor, there are 2 connectors for wiring, one is the big FAT positive from the battery (which also goes off to the alternator off the same connector), The other is the thin wire from the switch to the solenoid. This second wire is on a simple spade connector. Pull it off and check for 12V between there and the earth on the battery while someone turns the key to start. If there's 12V there, the starter is jammed, if there's not, you have a wiring fault.



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Right will stick the meter across the motor this afternoon! so what is there elctrically between the ignition switch and the starter i.e does it run through a relay some where or is the only thing involved the connection at the ignition switch?

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I'm pretty certain that the cable from the switch to the solenoid is just a straight cable with no relays or other gubbins to screw up in there...


I'm betting that you find you have 12V at the solenoid when you turn the key and that the starter motor is jammed... ;)

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