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Replaced Thermostat

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Replaced the thermostat on my G60 today in a bid to cue the low water temperature I am experiencing. Barely reaches 70 C at the minute. Anyway, replaced it this morning and went for a nice long run and the temperature is still not getting any higher!!


My thinking is that the temperature guage is just talking cr@p. I only fixed it the other week as it wasn't working at all. The tiny wee bit of wire inside the guage had popped of the needle so it wasn't moving it. What do you reckon? Guage goosed? or is there something else it could be. I have just replaced all the temperature sensors as well so they cant be the issue either.


Bit annoyed really as it wasn't the easiest of things to replace. :mad:



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It sounds like the stat is stuck open which could be that your new stat is defective or it is fitted incorrectly. Does the car take an age to warm up (to 70) as well? if so the stat is likely to be stuck open.


What is the oil temp doing? Although the water heats up quicker the two temps are correlated. Thus if your oil temp is now lower than it was before then the guage is likely to be telling the truth but if the oil is still as hot as it was before then the guage may be telling porkies!


The fact that the guage fell apart recently doesn't however bode too well for its reliability!

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"fitted incorrecty" - that's a bit cheeky Si B, !!! I'll let you off. Doesn't take too long to warm up. The old one wasn't stuck open so it cant have been the problem. Also I tested it in some boiling water and it opened fine and also closed fine when I took it out. So there cant have been anything wrong with it.


Oil temp mid 80's to high 80's on usual driving. It has an oil cooler so the oil temp rarely goes over 90 C unless I'm on the motorway and breaking the speed limit :wink:


The guage must be talking sh&te!!!





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I had this exact problem, changed the thermostat and no luck, in the end it was the black temeperature sender for the gauge was faulty :mad: ,,, try changing thet theyre only about £6,,, :D

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Timo..... Sorry, no cheek intended I just konw from experience that they can be a pain to fit for such a simple part. If you have tested the stat in boiling water then it certainly sounds like the sender or guage is knackered. From Oll's post the sender is cheaper than the guage so I would change this first.





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i just had the same problem it was the black temp sender on mine.

odd thing was the blue sender died two days before it :roll:


or if the small wire on the guage has been shortened it may affect the accuracy of the guage.

either way the temp senders are only cheap it might be worth replacing both anyway if mine is anything to go by :)

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The temp sender has just been replaced, plus I've tested it with a multimeter and it is within specifications once warmed up so the guage must be stuffed!!!




Si B, No worries mate.



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