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Bournemouth James

Side skirt glue/adhesive removal

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I've had to temporaily remove my side skirts, but now im left with all the black flexsible adhesive stuck to the sills and the sides, i've tried using a hair dryer to maybe soften the stuff, but it hasent really worked


Is there some other the way of removing it?, some kind of solvent that will soften it?

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I've found solvent removes most glues and adhesives without harming the paintwork. B&Q sell it, it's made by Evostik and called "Glue remover". If it's that black gunky stuff that never cures, I'm not sure if it will remove that though.

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The stuff is made by bodyline, and its called pu seam sealer, i got it from a bodyshop, and its the same stuff they use to bond body kits on

It is black and it does cure, once its cured it goes hard and rubbery


Thanks Kev, ill give that evostik glue remover a try

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there's also a silicone sealant remover available (think it's another Evo Stick product) which may well get it off too...

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NO NO NO NO!!!! Don't use solvents on glues and silicones on bodywork. Use what the trade call a "caramel wheel". Its basically a 3" rubber disc that you put in an electric drill. ITs what all the bodyshops use to remove sticky glues etc..

Use one of them James and you will have it all removed in minutes. You should be able to get one from any bodyshop supply shop.



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Solvent doesn't touch the paint. I should know, I've used enough of it on my paintwork, but the caramel wheel sounds like a good idea though.


Bleach will break silicon sealant down.

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Solvent doesn't touch the paint. I should know, I've used enough of it on my paintwork, but the caramel wheel sounds like a good idea though.

Yeah, but with any spinning disk, you run the risk of damage to the paint work if you're not 100% sure as to what you're doing... :|

Bleach will break silicon sealant down.

I didn't know that Kev... every day's a school day... :D :lol: 8)

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i used a caramel wheel thing that G60Renshaw, is on abt,,,,very very good and very quick compared to using solvents, spirits etc etc and it is quite hard damaging the paint using the wheel......as long as u take ur time and be patient all is good..


got mine from one of these trade tools catalogues,,,, cant remeber the name soz

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You should be able to get a Caramel wheel from somewhere like Rainbow paints on the Ferndown industrial estate, or brown brothers on alder hills.



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