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New head unit - ignition switch accessory position

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Quick question do the later C's have an accessory position on the ignition switch as the head unit I am looking into requires one and its not on my car ATM. I figured the easiest way around this was to fit a switch from a later model but I don't know which switches would fit.




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The ignition switch on all Corrados is the same...


They DO have an accessory setting wire on them for the stereo as standard, but trying to find the wire on a 14 year old car that's probably had 2 or 3 stereos in it could now be interesting... :?

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I know the car has only had two head units the original and another blaukpaunkt one fitted by the dealer, but if I read your post correctly what you are saying is that for the radio power the 'OFF' position is the same as having an 'ACC' position on a newer ignition switch? Or in other words the Radio harness power wire is always live.


I am asking because I am looking at the pioneer integrated sat nav head unit and the manual says you need an 'ACC' postion to work properly (I am guessing this is for DVD playback) Its the AVIC-X1 unit if you are interested.


And thanks for the lightning reply Henny!




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there are 4 positions on the switch (Honest, bear with me! ;) )


1) Accessory

2) Ignition on

3) Start

4) Ignition switched back off, but key not removed... Keeps the Accessory power on and keeps the steering lock off.


The wiring to the radio originally had 2 power feeds to it (not including lighting circuit)

Permanent live (thin brown wire with red stripe IIRC)

Ignition (also known as accessory) live (thickish red wire IIRC)


Your head unit will need a permanent live for the memory functions and the accessory feed to make it so that the stereo will only turn on when the key is in the switch... I've always re-wired my stereos so that they are permanetly live on both wires 'cos I like to be able to use my stereo without the key in the ignition (especially so I can watch TV at shows without leaving the key in the lock! ;) )


You'll also find that there will probably be a wire to connect to the handbrake warning lamp to make sure you can't watch TV while driving... Mine's connected to an earth so that I can watch the screen whenever and where-ever I like! :mrgreen: :lol:

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Once again thank you for the rapid response :D


Ok looks like I have managed to burn another hole in my pocket already!!




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I have sent you a PM requesting some more advice if you would be so kind, although it looks like my wiring may be a bit messed up!




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I have got a multimeter, I just hate electrics and I still need to know how its supposed to work... :wink:


Looking at what Henny said above I should be able to take the key outta the ignition and all power (except for the memory live wire) should be removed from the radio wiring harness, but it aint happening that way!




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The ignition switch has 4 positions??? :shock:

Mine has only ignition on and start! :shock:

What does this mean??? :o

I want the acessory position too! :lol:

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My new head unit is a pioneer, got the AVIC-X1 sat nav system - very impressed so far but the damn cooling fans keep running with ignition off and no key - hence this thread.


Will have a good look into the lead swap - might cure it, cheers for that pointer pablo.



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hi Yandards, yup, I@d go with the swapped power leads theory too... you need to use your multimeter to see which leads have power on them with the key in/out etc... That'll give you big hints as to how it needs to be wired up... :)

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Cheers guys will let you know the result when I get around to sorting it out - in the middle of moving house so its gonna have to take a back seat for now....




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Ok so I moved house and had a look at the car.


I swaped the leads over but that didnt work, after a bit of tugging on the loom I found the original wiring for the cars radio loom.


The red and yellow wires are both going into a 'pink with a white stripe' coloured wire


Black wire on radio harness goes to a brown wire. This is earth I can read that part of the circuit diagram!


Orange illumination wire goes to blue and grey wire. This is the 'illumination' part of the cars loom.


Blue wire with a white stripe is capped off.


Now its pointless me digging out a multimeter as I know I am missing a wire but according to the UK VAG Corrado circuit diagram I have in front of me I shouldn't have any more than that.


I have a ro (Red live) into the Radio

A br (brown earth) out

A bl/ws going to the speed sensor

A gr/bl going to the illumination.


So aside from the fact the my red wire looks pink with a white stripe I can't see where the extra wire comes from!?!?


Is this right? I am assuming from the somewhat confusing info I have in front of me, I hate wiring diagrams, that I am not supposed to have any other radio cage wires and I can't see where the power comes from off the ignition key in either from looking at the ignition switch wiring diagram.


Any pointers would be most helpful,

Frustrated and confused,


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red/white is 12v fused

brown is earth

black is 12v for/to aerial

brown/red from accessory/ignition


blue FL+

blue/brown FL-

red FR+

brown/white FR-

brown/red LR-

blue/green LR+

red/green RR+

brown/black RR-


from official factory repair manual

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