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My car is now alarmed!

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So I now have the Concept 300 fitted, and £375 less in my bank account.


I think its going to take me an eternity to work out the ins and outs of the keyfob but hey ho..


The doors even lock when I turn the keys in the ignition, and unlock when I turn the ignition off.. weird :)

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the lock thing you can get the corrado to do that, but you need to cut a wire somewhere, someone mentioned it somewhere, should of noted it down ment to do it to my C

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You can override the locking when you start the car up. I got the guy who fitted mine to do that cause if you want to get out while the engine is on you can't. Sort out your valet mode before you try and wash the car or you will end up setting the alarm off!

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Yeah... I did wonder about valet mode. The guy explained how to do it from the key fob.. said the LED should stay on permanently whilst its in valet mode.


The not being able to get out whilst the engine is running could be a bit of a problem.. when I take my car round the back of the house to wash it, I have to get in and out a few times to open a gate before driving down the alley - I usually just leave the car running and hop out - looks like I need to rethink that one :)

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Clifford Alarms are easy to set off when washing the car however all you do is tunr the key all the way on and off quickly, this stops the car auto arming and you can then remove the key lock the car a wash it with the keys in your pocket, Better the valet mod imho

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you mean start the engine or to the "lights on" position? Never knew you could do that. must try it nex time> Xheers

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Dash lights on you need to do it quickly but not that quick on then off over 5 seconds max or something your alarm should chirp if this feature is fitted to your alarm

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Yeah was just reading about that... just put the key in and switch to 'ignition on' without starting the car, and then switch off again - do it really quickly, and it should let you know.


Handy for filling up & washing the car etc without looking like a plum when the alarm goes off :)


It then resets that as soon as you start the car again.

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The auto-locking of the doors can be disabled in the menus. It's a sort of anti-hijack thingy - but it can be a pain in the arse. Depends where you live though. Alot of car-jackings in Coventry?


Have fun using the menu! Hehe.


I would disable auto-arming of the alarm - just have the immobiliser to auto-arm.


Mine was wired up so when I press the headlights button on the remote - the doors lock, but the alarm doesn't come on (just the immobiliser after 30 seconds). Handy for when I'm at the gf's and the cat insists on walking under the car and setting it off.

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I dont think car jackings are a huge problem here.. well, unless you drive a seriously nice car.


Its gotta be a desperate thief who carjacks a Saxo.


I'm gonna see how I get on for a week or two and then look at what I want to enable / disable.. I suspect auto alarm will be one that I turn off, but auto immobilise I would leave on.

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Glad it's sorted mate.


If I was you I'd disable the automatic locking- had that on my VTI and it drove me bonkers :mad:


Instead of pressing all the buttons in the car for valet mode, just press the two left hand buttons on the fob together- much less hassle :D

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The Auto arming feature is part of the cat 1 or 2 alarm feature it MUST have and therefore i assume must be on, you shouldn't turn it off, However you can turn the auto lock off!!!


As for the auto lock when driving, that can be turned off on the wizard software, but on the Corrado (well on mine anyway) it wont work, the door are prevented from locking buy the ignion switch or something. You set the auto lock feature to rev dependent so it opens at idle and locks at speed. Never saw the sence in it becasue someone can jump in at traffic lights. Its more to stop ppl jumping out i think when you are moving.

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Don't forget this is for Jim's Saxo, m8... :)

But yes, the only way to stop the immob. auto-arming is using valet mode.


Jim - it's not a big manual - why don't you just read it??? You might learn something... :lol:

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Don't forget this is for Jim's Saxo, m8... :)

But yes, the only way to stop the immob. auto-arming is using valet mode.


Jim - it's not a big manual - why don't you just read it??? You might learn something... :lol:


Yes, its just for my Saxo Andi.. thank you for reminding me. None the less, its still £7000's worth of car that I would prefer to keep hold of without some loser stealing it. Its a popular target amongst the assholes who do that kinda thing, and I want to give it some adequate security.


As for the manual.. who the hell ever reads manuals? I prefer to find my way around these things by myself, like a proper techie :D

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Jim, keep your hair on!

I meant Nigel waffling on about Corrado features... not a lot of use for you in a Saxo!


As for manuals, I agree... but I dare you to try and use the menu system without the manual.... :p

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Yeah.. I think the menu system will require proper study.


I know the main basics now.. lock/unlock, silent lock/unlock, and valet mode all from the keyfob. Seems straightforward enough so far...


Oh, and sorry.. didnt mean to get batey :)

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# "You ain't seen n-n-nothing yet..." #


Menu's are fun.

They even say in the manual you can alter settings whilst driving along - I'd like to see you try!!!! :lol:

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Hey.. do any of you know what happens if you press the arm/disarm button whilst driving? Does it do anything at all?

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Ive got an older clifford alarm and the main button doesnt do anything when the engines running. If you hold it down for 3 seconds or something though it acts as a panic button setting the alarm off and locking the doors.

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AFAICR if the arm button is pressed with the ignition on then nothing would happen, but if it is pressed in valet mode this operates the central locking even with the car running.

Ok just a little question which sensors come as standard with the 300? as i'm looking to get one soon

i had a concept 40 some time ago and it had a piezo and dual proximity sensor so i wouldnt mind having these in again.

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Sorry for the lack of reply.. didn't notice this one.


You can have modules bolted onto the Concept 300.. I was quoted an additional £100 for the Dual Zone (which is a great little addition) or you can just go right up to a Concept 500 which comes with module as standard.


Which one is Piezo? Is that tilt sensor?

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Is there any way that if the car is set up to lock when you start the engine, to unlock them when you want i.e. letting someone in/out the car or putting something in?out the boot? Was thinking of setting mine up to lock but would be a pain if you want to let a mate in having to switch off the ignition all the time. Another alternative would be to read the manual but that just wouldn't be the man thing to do now would it? Standard 300 has proximity sensor. Tilt can be added to this or comes standard on the 500. Depends on how much cash you've got and if you have tasty alloys.

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